Beginning of the End

Start from the beginning

Obito nodded slowly, but my anger would not allow me to wait any longer.

I dashed up onto the rooftops, struggling to keep my chakra level so it wouldn't burst out and destroy my nearby surroundings. It had been an incredibly long time since I had last been filled with so much vile hatred that my chakra became unstable. Madara had taught me numerous techniques to keep a level head, but the sheer disgusting transgression Orochimaru wrought upon my very DNA—my very body—

It was a violation. He literally stole my own DNA from who the fuck knew how and he infused it into an innocent child.

Kakashi was beside me within moments, one of his ninken already summoned. "He's already caught Orochimaru's scent. It was all over the place."

"Take us to him," I ordered the dog, and it let out a soft bark before leaping across rooftops, nose down.

We raced behind the small dog, my growing anger igniting tinto a destructive bonfire. Nothing would appease my anger until I had that slimy little vermin's head mounted on a pike, and his skin turned into a rug.

I bit so hard onto my bottom lip it began to bleed, and my nails continued to dig into the palm of my hands and peel back the skin. My body was ablaze with my rage, and though I sincerely tried to keep it in check, it continued to boil over like lava.

And then we reached the edge of the village and that worm's scent went past it.


I swore so vehemently that Kakashi grimaced.

We weren't allowed to pursue anyone past the edge of the village without the Hokage's permission. Waves of killing intent rolled off me, and likely anyone else besides my teammates would have cringed and tried to move away from me from the sheer level of murderous desire I had.

(ง ⌣ ~ ⌣) ง

Barely an hour later, I was sitting beside a hospital bed. Kakashi and I had returned to the Hokage office where Minato and Obito were waiting for us. He immediately dispatched several ANBU squads to pursue Orochimaru, and I volunteered to go.

This was immediately rejected by Minato, my surrogate father citing that it was apparent that Orochimaru wanted me. He would have prepared for my pursuit, and only an obvious trap would be waiting for me if I chased him.

"And," Minato had added, "you now have a bigger problem to deal with."

That problem being the kiddo who now had half my DNA. A small portion of my grandfather's DNA had been mixed in, and the last remaining bit of DNA was whatever was left of his original genetic makeup.

The boy was barely older than five, frail, and had a completely shot immune system.

In other words he was an extremely vulnerable mokuton user.

This instantly warranted a heavily guarded room, but I knew for a goddamn fact Danzō would be itching to get his stupid little fat fingers on him, so I personally took over.

God fucking damn it I can't wait to kill Danzō, too, I thought with every bit of sincerity I had.

Of course for what Madara and I had planned for Danzō, the warmonger would undoubtedly prefer a torturous death.

At least that guaranteed death.

Madara and I weren't nearly so merciful.

Returning to the point, though, I sat beside his hospital bed, watching him with a narrowed gaze.

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