139.their reaction to you getting braces

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-you didn't tell him before so it was a surprise
-when he first saw them he said they were cool
-didn't think of you differently or anything

-he already knew you were getting them
-he went to the appointment with you
-he likes them

-he didn't really care tbh
-he said the colour was cool
-that was pretty much it

-dude she loved them
-she wanted to help you pick out clothes to match the colour
-gives you colour suggestions every time

-you told him you were getting them on before so he was expecting them
-he got you stuff afterwards because he heard that it hurts
-he really them and complimented you on them many times

-he liked them
-he didn't really care if you had them or not
-he always reminds you to put your bands back in after eating

-he went with you for the appointment and says it was the longest time of his life
-he liked them though
-afterwards you guys went out to get ice cream because he heard that it hurts to eat stuff afterwards so it wanted to get you something easy

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