68.your guy's songs

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-perfect by One direction
one day you guys were in the car together listening to the radio and this song came on. you both just started singing and made it look very dramatic,but now you call it "your song" because everytime you hear it not only does it remind you of that time but also you both have to sing very loudly and dance to/with each other.
-cherry cola by Jon Kuwada
this became your guys song because Finn introduced it to you and you feel in love with it. ever since that time whenever you play it or it is on the radio it reminds you of when he showed it to you. sometimes if you can't sleep Finn will sing this to you.

-Hi bitch by Danielle Bregoli
this is your song because when it came out you guys found it on the youtube trending page and saw that it was quite high and chose to take a listen to it. after you heard it the first time you had to watch/listen to a second time, then a third and so on so on. for a few days after whenever you saw each other you would say "hi bitch" referencing the song.
-smile by Avril Lavigne
both of you don't really know how this became your song but everytime you guys listen to it you sing really loudly and face horribly. everytime you guys are in the car you have to pull over to heard the song fully and dance to it. Jack says it will be played when you walk down the aisle at your guys wedding.

-perfect by Ed Sheeren
this is your song because you both find it so cute and romantic. when you guys are at home sometimes he will randomly play it and ask you to dance with him. every time you hear this song you always think of Chosen and when he asks you to dance.
-Happy little pill by Troye Sivan
this became your song one night when you both were at your school dance. you heard it and fell in love with it. Chosen realized that after you played it at home for 7 hours straight and whenever you play it he will now join in and sing it with you.

-Feel me by Tyga ft. Kanye West
this is your song because one night when you were both in the car just driving around, talking and listening to music this randomly came on and you both really liked it. Since then you have both listened to this song like 10000 times together and Nic always says it your song because it means something to him.
-La la la la by Hrvy
this is your song because Nic is always telling you how he loves you. a lot of your friends see him as someone who can't really love someone and they always tell you to leave him because he will hurt you. you soon realized that they all were wrong when Nicholas would do anything for you and he proved to you that he's not like that and that he is actually really kind, sweet and loving. This song just reminds you and Nic about that time and how you both have grown a lot together since then.

-paper hearts by The Vamps
this is your song because at one point in your relationship you both decided to break up, reason was because of all the hate and Jaeden couldn't be there by your side through that since he was busy working on another project. he respected your decision. after less than 2 months of being broken up and he was done he project he chose to come to your house to talk about the problem. soon you all worked it out and are happy again.
-back to you by Louis Tomlinson ft bebe rexha
this also became your song after your break up because you both ended up back together like the song says "coming back to you" like Jaeden came back to you after the unfortunate break up.

-lay your head down by R5
this has became your song because one late night you were both awake and tired but couldn't sleep so you stayed up almost all night just talking about whatever has come to mind. when it was around 5am Wyatt told you to "lay your head down and get some sleep" and somehow that reminds you of this song
-somebody else by The 1975
this is your song not because you broke up and found somebody else but this is your song because Wyatt used to think that you would break up with him and find "someone better than him" and this song kind of reminds you of that and how you had to tell Wyatt over and over again that you love him and wouldn't want anybody else but him and now he doesn't like to think that way

-I found a girl by The Vamps
this is your song because it reminds you of a time when you were both in your local mall doing some shopping and this random guy asked you out and you said no because you are dating Sophia and he said "I found a girl who's in love with a girl. cool." like in the lyrics of the song
-chateau by Blackbear
this is your song because one time when you were both in your room you were just playing random music and this song happened to come on and you started dancing to it and got Sophia to join you. Now whenever you guys are together and hear this song you have to dance to it and you probably laugh because of the memory of the first time you heard it. when you are in public and do this a lot of people look at you guys like you are crazy but you both don't really mind because it's fun and you don't care.

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