100.he finds out you cut/have cut

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If you are uncomfortable with self harm/cutting i would not recommend reading this, but it doesn't go into much detail or anything

-almost cry's when he sees it
-feels so bad that he couldn't be there for you during that time/these times
-tells you that you should stop or is glad that you choose to stop and if you stopped that makes him really proud of you

-tells you that everything will be ok
-he says that self harm is never a good choice and makes you promise that you will not do that again
-he knows that he was in the past and that was the "old" you

-at first he found it hard to believe
-he didn't want those words to come out of your mouth
-he supports you all the way and tells you that you are safe and that you don't need to do that anymore

-feels really bad inside
-hugs you and let's you cry on his shoulder
-is there for you the whole time and will help you deal with it

-she could cry
-she tells you that it will be alright in the end
-she says that she will always be here for you and then you guys have a great night together by ordering pizza, doing each other's nails, watching movies,ect

-feels so so bad
-hugs you and kisses you immediately
-hugs you really tight and he repeats the phase "everything will be ok, i love you"

-he says that he wishes he could be there for you during those times
-hugs you
-tells you reasons why he loves you

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