Photoshot Interview.

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Madds POV


"Hello! I'm Madds The photographer." I smile, putting my hand out.

"Hello, I'm Doniya, who you spike with on the phone, and this is Safaa, Waliyha and our mother Tricia Malik." The women says, shaking my hand.

"That can't be." I say sarcastily. "Tricia you to young to be the mother of these beautiful young women." I smile, winking at her.

She just giggles.

"This was, my studio is just up these stairs." I lead them to the spiral.

"Wow, this is your house? And you live here. ALONE?" Safaa ask.

I smile as her mother shushes her. "It's fine. Yes I do live alone. But I'm fine with it because I'm never rally alone. My friends are always over here."

"You don't have a boyfriend." Waliyha says, giving me a strange look.

"I actually do. He's quite famous. You might know him." I say. "Alright if you wish to change our put on any accessories there in the back room. I'll take you there if you wish."

"Me please." Doniya says, taking a step towards me. "Id love to get to know you better."

I give her a confused look and point her towards the back room. "Oh and Mrs. Tricia. I was wondering. Do you say your name Mal-ic or Mu-Leek."

She bites her lip and turns to Safaa. "Mu-Leek." She answers.

I smile and walk to the room. Zayn does that. Bites his lip when he's nervous or about to lie. These people oddly look like him.. A lot.

"Alright Ms. Malik, what are you looking for?" I ask, walking to her side.

"Doniya." She smiles. "Just looking."

I walk around and tighty up while she looks.

"Torn." She smiles. I give her a confused look. "Your humming Torn."

"Oh. I am! So sorry." I say, putting my head down as my cheeks redden.

"It's fine." She laughs. "So what you and Zayn Malik are a couple?"

I shrug. "He really wants to be with me but I'm not what he needs."

"What do you mean? Are you like a cheater or something." She ask frowning.

"NO!" I gasp. "I'm just, I'm not the kind of girl to fall in love easily. Fall in love at all actualy." I say, fumbling with my thumbs. "But he just wants me so bad and I can't hurt him. He's so sweet and fragile."

"Oh." Is all she says.

I take a breath. "Here." I smile, trying to hide the pain that's written on my face. "This will look great with that shirt." I her a bracket before walking out.

"Alright. We're ready." Safaa says, posing oddly in front of the camera.

I laugh. "Well what type of pictures were y'all planning on taking?"

"Nothing posed. Natural. I want to give these to my son." Mrs. Malik says.

"You have a son?" I ask, unhooking my camera from the stand. "Well shoot outside by the pool."

"Erm.." She say. Give her a confused look and she looks at Safaa yet again.

"Yeah, he travels a lot because of his work. He's around your age to." She shuts her mouth then, eyes widen.

"Erm. Oh. What's his name?" I ask, scared for the answer.

Safaa looks at Waliyha who turns to Doniya. "Boris." She blurts after a moment.

This is an odd family. They seem like they rely on each other to find the correct answers to the simplest questions.

So for the next 50 minutes I set then and take about 15 pictures. Of them by the pool, on the chairs, staing in the pool, and spontaneous ones. Those are amazing.

"Alright." I smile, leading them back upstairs. "Do you have an address I can mail these to?"

Doniya opens her mouth then closes it, looking at her mother. "Here's my work card, mail it here at that address." She says, Pointing at the address.

I nod and set the card beside my camera. "Alrigr. Well it was great meeting YOH all." I say, hugging each one.

Lee rubbed off on me. I'm a hugger now. BLEH.

"Massive thanks love. I know my son will love these, and even more since they were taken by you." Tricia says. "He really fancys you."

My cheeks began to heat up. "Well I'm flattered but I'm taken."

I said it. It's official, me and Zayn are official.

"Have you met his parents?" She ask.

"No, my schedule has been so booked its hard getting away from work. I really want to. He's told me a lot about them. That he has 3 sisters and how gorge his mother is." I smile. "For a moment I thought you were them. But them you said tour sons name was Boris and your name is Mu-leek."

She laughs shakly. "Yeap. Has he met your parents?"

God, I should of expected the question. But it kits me like a round house. "No. My parents haven't been I'm my life for awhile. My only family really is my brother Sage." I say.

"Well, I wish you the best. And I know his family will love you! Because we love you. And we'd be honored to have you as my sons girlfriend." she smiles, walking out.

"thanks." all the girls say in unison.

I wave and see my next client coming up. "Frankie."

"Hey." She says blankly. "So where's the studio."

"Up stairs. Those spiral ones back there. I'm going to grab a water. Want one?" I ask, walking to the kitchen.

She shakes her head. So I grab me a cucumber lime Gatorade. My favorite, and head upstairs.

"Frankie?" I ask, searching the upstairs, only to find her nowhere. So I head back to the front door. "Frankie?"

I open The door. Well her cars out front so she's here.

Then I hear a bang on the second floor. And I sprint up the huge stairs. "Hey, you don't need to be up here." I say reaching the top to find Frankie holding Zayns Jack Willia shirt he forgot at my house Wednesday. "Where did you get that?" I snap.

"You need to leave him alone." she hisses, walking towards me. "Dump him and leave him alone. He's MINE!" she barks.

"I don't understand. What are you talking about?" I feel myself begingg to press against the wall as I look for something to use as a weapon. "What do you mean he's yours. He doesn't even know you."

My fingers brush something, a book. But as I try and grab it it slips, tumbling down the stairs.

"NO!" Frankie yells, wrapping her hands around my kneck, holding me against the wall. Zayns shirt fluttering down the stairs. "No, you have to leave him alone."

I claw at her hands, trying to release her grip. "I. Can't." I say, gasping for breath.

"To bad. Leave him alone! I told you before. You need to leave him alone! He's mine and only mine." Her grip tightens and so does her grip.

I feel myself fading. I can't, I need to fight.

Then I feel myself, fall. And I feel every step on the way down.

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