Picture Perfect.

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"Oh my god!" I say between burst of laughter as we walk out of the movie. i stop and hunch over, stomach cramping.

"Dude, best movie ever!" Lee says walking beside me.

i lean against the wall and slide to the floor, exhausted. you know that 6 pack. yeah i had that for about 2 1/2 hours. i should have an 8 pack by now.

"i wonder what it would of felt like to make out with a bear."Harry says, then looks at Zayn. "don't you mate?"

He shakes his head "ill stick with the humans. my last kiss was the best." his eyes flicker to me/ "when you find something beautiful you think you'd ever stop kissing it Lad?"

Harry looks at Lyna who looks back all lovey lovingly. 

"Now i don't kiss and tell Zayn." He replies, eyes still glued to her.

Lee smiles. "Tell me your together. as a couple" I say finally.

Her eyes drop and Harry looks away rubbing the back of his neck. "Um.. ermm." is all he says.

"Oh.." I say awkwardly. "Opps, well i should get going. gotta catch the bus home since my car died yesterday." I say fake smiling. i hate the bus. "I guess ill see you guys around?"

I turn to walk away but Zayn grabs my waist and pulls me against him. "Ill drive you home love. No problem."

I shake my head. "I don't want to be a bother. Its only 2 and i bet you have other plans for the day. Nothing wrong with riding the bus."

"No," he laughs. "I mean it. ill take you. Your not a bother."He says pulling me close. "Your anything but."

I smile but cant seem to tear my eyes away from his lips. Gahh, those amazing lips.

"Alright/" i say finally, pulling away and walking to Lee. "You have my number right?"

"Yes ma'am. Ill call you tonight. We could hang." She smiles, hugging me.

I'm taken back. I'm not really the hugging type. Claustrophobic here, but i hug back anyways. Cant scare away a new friend.

"Awesome maybe we could like party at my house tonight!" I say sarcastically.

"That would be amazing! Ill tell the rest of the lads!" Harry yells pulling out his phone. Thumbs racing.

My eyes widen. "I was just joking but i guess its cool. I don't have any plans." I also have no food and a messy house. "I also have no food and a messy house."

"We could clean then go shopping for food love!" Zayn says grabbing my hand again, making my heartbeat quickens.

"Well id love that!" I smile. "Ill text you the detailed and if you want you can give the rest of the 'Lads' my number and ill send them my address." i say adding air quotes to the word lads.

Everyone laughs. but I'm not quite sure at what.. So i turn to Zayn. "Ready to head to my house?"

He puts one arm around me and then holds my hand with his free one. "Since i saw you."

As we head for the car, leaving Lee and Harry, i cant help but wonder why they aren't together yet. I mean i bet as soon as were out of sight there gonna find somewhere to have a make out session. But oh well. Not my problem. Iv got my own Love life to worry about.


"Sorry again for the mess." I say unlocking the door.

"Woah." He says, taking a step back.

"Im sorry. You dont have to stay and help. I can do this alone." I add quickly.

"Clean? Clean what? This place is practically spotless except for the pictures and kitchen." He says walking into the house picking up a stack of pictures. Studying them.

"Oh no no no." i say gathering as much as possible. "Ill take these."

"Your an amazing photographer!" He smiles grabbing another stack and of course, it had to be the stack with him in it.

"No wa--" I say trying to grab them from him.

"Is this me? This is me isnt it?" He says studying the picture carefully. 

"No. umm thats not you." i try grabbing the pictures again. "Zayn can i please have those? NOW!"

"You have at least a dozen pictures of me" He says pulling away and running up stairs, ONLY  to lock himself in the bathroom.

"Zayn!" I yell banging on the bathroom door." Zayn please let me in. I was at the mall and you just happen to be there. and.. and.. im sorry." 

i gave up on trying to explain. He probably thinks im some kind of freak stalker now. Dammit. I just ruined my chances.

He opens the door. "For what? For taking pictures of me? Why didn't you just ask?"

"Why? WHY? Because 1. that's kind of creepy. Like oh hey i dont know you but i think your sexy can i take pictures of you? no you dont say that! & 2. Your you! i mean look at you! your like amazingly sexy and im just... Me. Nothing special." I drop my head. Mostly because im ashamed  but also i may of just ruined my chances with and amazing guy.

"you should of ask love!" He says lifting My chin. "Cus 1.no it wouldn't of and thank you that's extremely flattering ad 2. Your Beautiful. I saw you and i was like DAMN! I hope that girl is looking for someone, and maybe ill be that lucky someone."

"Don't lie to me." I smile

"Now how can you lie about something that's completely true?" He says

Then he kisses me. 


Dear Harry And Zayns Friends, 

Hi, Im Madds. The girl having the party at her house. Yeah well my address is in the attachment and iv just been informed its a slumber party so bring cloths & I have a pool so bring Swim cloths. Kayy 



Lucky Im Loving You.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora