Diner Drama.

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Zayns POV


"Niall!" Jamison says as we walk into the restaurant. "I see you brought company today!"

Niall is here so often everyone knows him. And he know every one. "Hey Jamison! How are you! And yeah got 6 today."

"Well Aunties on brake, I'll tell her your here. Shell be happy to see you!" Jamison say, walking us to a round table.

Niall and Harry pull out the chair of there girls before taking a seat beside them. Me and Madds end up sitting across from each other.

"Hi I'm .." I block her out as I skim the menus. Looking for something appetizing. "And for you sr?" she smiles turning to me. Is she flirting?

"Erm. I'll have the chocolate chip pancakes love." I smile sincerely, which she must of taken the wrong way.

"Great. I'll have it right out for you." As she grabs the menus from my hand I feel a thin price of paper replace it. "I'll be waiting." she winks, then walks away.

I open the paper reading it. It's her number. I let out a small chuckle, then Madds shoots up.

"I'm.. " She bites her lip. "I'm going to the bathroom."

Then before anyone can reply she turns and stops out the front door.

"I'll go." Lee stands, ready to chase her down.

"No let me." I say, blocking her way.

"You sure that's such a good idea Zayn?"

"After what happen yesterday. Yes. I need to talk to her." I give her a look. She nods and sits back down.

"You have 10 minutes then I'm coming outside." She sighs.

I nod and head for the door.


Madds POV


What a slut. I mean how could she do that. She doesn't even know Zayn. Why would she give him her number. And that move. Wow OLD SCHOOL MUCH? I invented that move years ago.

I let out a sigh and throw open my car door, shuffling through the glove compartment. Pulling out a pack of cigarettes I take one out and light it. Taking a deep breath.

God, and why would he even take it. I mean really Zayn. You try and get with me then you go off and flirt with some slut. Yeah. Great way to get payback. God he's such a Dou--

"Hey." Zayn says walking up.

I drop the cigarette, stomping my foot over it. "What do you want?" I snap.

"You don't have to hide it." He pulls out a back of his own, and hands me one. "I do it to. It's a way for me to release my stress. The boys think I should stop. And so do the fans. I just don't think I can. It apart of me." he trails off as I hand him my lighter.

"What are you doing out here? Why arnt you inside. Letting that little slut fawn over you." I snap.

"She's not my type. I didn't even catch her name. She gave me her number."

"You didnt have to take it. Or look at it. And I mean common. The slide it in your plan move? So last century." I laugh.

"Right? I did that in like 6th grade." He smiles for the first time since our fight.

God how I missed that smile. "I'm sorry." I say, studying the ground. "I didn't mean to.. Go all bitch on you this morning."

"Nahh, I shouldn't of pryied. And said what I did." He finished his cigarette and stomps it out, then turns to me. "Om sorry."

"You have nothing to be sorry for. I went over board and I was way out of bounds. I'm sorry. You have no reason to apologize so don't." I take one last breath of my cigarette then drop it. "I want us to work." I say cautiously. "But I'm not capable of... Feeling. And I kn--"

Before I can finish he shoves his lips against mine. I kiss back instantly. Wrapping my arms around his neck. His arms mold around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

"Now." he pulls away. "Can you honestly tell me you gel nothing."

I look away, feeling my face turn red. I did feel something. Some things to be correct. I was happy and excited and I was scared. I'm scared of being hurt. "You've got lipstick on your face." I say, wiping his mouth.

He smiles, "Maybe she'll get the him now. I'm taken and proud." He kisses me again. "I'm not leaving. I promise."

"Don't make promises you cant keep." I whisper, before Turing and walking into the diner.

I hope this promise he does keep.

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