Truth Or Dare.

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"IM SOOO BOREDDD!" Niall yells, slumping on the couch.

"Thank you for telling us for the, lets see, 20th time!" Zayn snaps.

Gosh somes got there ball a bunch. I laugh at my joke, im so funny. "Well Niall. What do you want to do?"

"We should play a game!" He perks up, getting that 'up to no.good' look in his eyes.

Lee sighs. "What game Niall?"

"Truth or Dare!" He smiles secretivly.

Im scared. "Well lets go put up the air matresses in the glass room then well play. Its like 2 am anyways."

"Yeah." Zayn agrees, giving me a smile.

"Alright, there are 3 matresses in the closet along wit-" before im even finished Nialls up.and running down the hall. "Niall wait when you open that door everythings ganna come crashing d--"

We hear Nial yelp. "DAMMIT! THE MATRESS FELL ON ME!"

I laugh and walk to the hall, pulling all the crap off of Niall. "Niall common buddy. You ok kiddo!" I say, helping him up.

"Im fine." He says, looking away. Woah! Is that emberessment i see on his face!

Then i realize hes not avoiding my eyes, hes avoiding Midas eyes. AWEE BABY NIALL HAS A CRUSH! I smile at him. "Niall, can you take the matress and go blow it up in the room?" I ask, handing him a matress and a blower upper matresser thingy. (I honestly have no fucking clue what its called.)

He nods and walks away. "Mida could you go.with him and blow up this one." Her a matress and a blowee thing. She nods and follows Niall.

"Nice job." Lee says, govong me a look.

"What are you talking about?" I ask,.rolling my eyes, pulling out a third matress and handing it to.her.

"Oh dont play DUMB! I know you saw the way he acted. You think he likes her and you sent thwm to be ALONE hoping theyll hit it off." She says sassily.

"Shut up." I say sticking my tounge out. "Tell them that one to then can you go.with Zayn in the closet upstairs and get abuncha pillow."

She nods and walks away. I send Zayn upstairs, finally getting what i want, Harry alone.

"So.what can i do?" He says in his innocent british accent.

"You can explain to me why its taking you sooooo damn long to ask Lee out already. I mean OBVIOUSLY YOU LIKE HER! AND SHE LIKES YOU SO WTF!?" I say, making a face.

"Its not that easy." He wines. "I just cant say, Hey Lee iknow where like friends and all but i like you more then you know will you go out with me."

I give him a dumbfounded look. "Why the fuck not? All you have to say is will you go out with me. Thats like 6 words."

"Its not that easy!"

"What makes it so difficult. Tell me. And if its a good, reasonable reason, ill leave you alone."

He just stands there, bitting his lip. Thinking of something to say. "Why wont you admit you have feelings for Zayn. And just give up fighting it!" He snaps, grabbing an armfull of blanks and storming off.

I stand there, shocked. Like a deer i headlights that got tased by a monkey in a mankini. THATS HOW SHOCKED I WAS! "Buh erm." I studder, then yell. "YOU CANT ANSWER A QUESTION WITH A QUESTION STYLES! THATS NOT COOL MAN! NOT COOL!"

I grab a blanket and storm after him.



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