Talking about it?

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"Madds love. Do you think we could invite Eleonor and Danielle?" Liam ask, shyly.

Oh i hope he knows im not always mean. I smile, "Sure. My house is big enough."

And 10 minutes later i have a total of 7 strangers in my house. Not including Lee cus iv know her for years. But the rest, i ment moments before or earlier that day when they once again just show up at my house. Man. Brits have a really weird way of making friends. But there all like so GORGE. I die when i see El and Dani cus there so much better looking then little ol me.

Yet as they walk in El pulls the side."Massive fan of your work. BTR said your an amazing photographer. Do you mind scheduling a shot some time next week. If your not to busy."

"Why id love to." Gahh, Lee nd all her brits are ganna get me so much publicity. Im going to be booming soon. Then maybe ill finally get my studio.

Liam & Lou cuddle up with there GFs on one side of the couch as Zayn, Lee, Harry,, Niall & I share the otherside. I dont mind of course because i end up cuddled into Zayns side. His arms around me. God this feels amazing. But i cant be falling for him. I dont fall in love. But every time i hear his nme my heart races and my knees buckle. I just dont know. His cologne lingers in my nose even fter hes gone. Andthen i see Harry. trying to make.a move but taking.the longest time ever. I just wanna yell at him to.ask her out already but Lee would be mad. And we dont want that.

"Man im lonley. I need to get myself a girlfriend." I hear Niall complain as i doze off on Zayns chest. Poor baby. He has no one. Id go sit with the cutie but i dont think Zayn would be to happy about me ditching him. That and cus i was to lazy to get up.

"Heyy Madds. You mind if i invite one more person?" Lee ask. Whats she thinking. Well i cant say i care so blehh.

"Nahh." Is all i get out.

After a moment i hear Lee yell from the kitchen, "Hey Madds, you got any food around here?"

I get up and walk in there. Glad to get a moment to recover from my mental breakdown, feeling mental. "Fidge, cabnet, dumpster. Look around and your bound to find something edibal."

"You know you didnt have to come in here. A shouted answer would have been fine." She laughs.

I smile & rub my eyes. Trying to wake up. "Whatd Mida say?"

"Shes coming in an hour. Can i make this pizza?" She replys, pulling out a cheese pizza.

"Yeah, its better then delivary." I say. I should.prob tel her its vegan, but the thougnt never makes it out.

She puts it in the oven then sits beside me, elbowing my side lightly. "Tell me about Zayn!"

And that name makes my heart race. God what this boy does to me. "I like him. Like really like like him." And as soon as i say it, it all becomes real. Zayn isnt just some guy im messing around with. He acctually wants me for me, fkr a relationship. And im not ready for that, and i dont i will ever be ready for that.

"I can tell he really likes you by the way he looks at you." She smiles, trying to help. It doesnt cus well, it just doesnt but i smile and change the subject. I dont do feelings. At least not mine.

"And whats up with you and Styles over there!" I joke. Wishing he would grow a pair and ask her out.

"I dont know. I mean he doesnt seem intrested in me. Some times he does and sometimes he doest. You get me?" She says, confusion plastered on her face.

"Know exactly how that feels! Went throught it with Ian." I say, not thinkomg before saying his name.

"Whos Ian?" She ask puzzled.

I give myself mental kick in the ass. Dmmit, thats the old life. The one that i promised once i moved into here i was to pretend never happen. "My ex. He was a huge flirt. Great dancer and amazing at shots but never ever get involved with a client." I say giving her a look. "Never."

Then we burst out laughing. That wss the weirdiest look iv ever made. The door bell.rings and we both satnd and start towards it.

"Was he cute?" She ask, as we reach the door.

"Id chose Zayn." Then before she can reply with a cute commemt i fling opem the door. "Salutations." I say awkwardly to Mida, quoting Travey Mcoy. This is going to be one hell of a night. "I need a drink." I say under my breath. But i guess Lee heard cus she elbowed me and gave me that shut up look. I only shrug.


Zayns POV

"So how are things with Lee, mate?" I ask once Madds is out of ear shot.

"Erm.. Pretty well. I still havent asked her to be my girlfriend yet. How are things with Madds?" He ask, hes not the type to.sit and talk about his feelings. Never has, never will.

"Same. Iv been getting to try and know her. Theres a sweet girl behind that hard front shes built up." I whispher, thinking who hurt her so bad she had to put up a wall to keep everyone out.

"Keep at it mate." Harry says. "She really likes you. I can tell by the way she looks at you."

"I wonder whats taking Madds and Lee so long." I say giving him that 'please go check on them because im to lazy to get up look.

Questions comments concers? Vote ! More soon! Member this is the sister storyto vacantwishes fanfic go read it to all! Ita got the same title.

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