Work Week.

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Ok so A week once a month Madds take a week from everything, her phone, social media, friends. To just focus on her photography. And she cuts herself off from all outside world. She starts the Day after her and Zayn make up! (They make up on a saturday and she starts the next day on a Sunday.)

And this will just be like an overview of what she does each day. Not a whole lot of detail.



Madds POV


"Im cutting of tomorrow." I say as we walk out of the diner. "I'm doing my Work week."

"What's that mean?" Harry ask.

"I cut myself off from everything. Friends, family social media. I only get I my and hour a day and that's to upload photos."

"Why do you have to do this?" Zayn says with a puzzled look on his face. "Why can't you just work normal hours like a normal person?"

Harry and Niall let out a chuckle.

"Because I get distracted to easily. And with this when I have an idea I can build off of it and make something amazing. I do m beat work during my week." I walk to my car and open the door. "It won't be that bad. And when I'm done I don't really have to do anything else because iv done most of my work. Unless iv got a shot scheduled of course. Which reminds me." I trail off, birthing my nail and pulling out my phone.

"I'm going to miss you." Zayn wisphers, walking to me.

I grab his chin and pull his mouth to mine. "It won't be long. I promise."

Then I slide an my car and on my bluetooth.

"Eleanor Cabler? Hello this is Madeline Smith with the Rising Sun photography studio.."


Sunday I Took pictures of the house. I stayed in my sweats and a lose tank and took pictures of the ceiling and tile. Anything with a pattern I have a picture of it.

And then at 7 I had to put cloths in because I had a private shot scheduled with Karmin. The singers. There really amazing singers as well as models. There very photogenic.


Monday was my outdoors day. I put on pants ad my combat boots. Threw on a tank and my cool kids leather jacket and walked around the woods just outside of town.

There wasn't a lot of good shots because it rained the day before and everything was dull and soggy and ugly. But some of the animals I got look really great.

Zayn tryed to get In touch with me through my website. I think he should know better. I deleted his comments immediately and blocked him temporarily.

When I say Cut off I ment cut off!


Sage came on Tuesday. I'm teaching him to do photography. He wants to take pictures of cars and other lame boy stuff but he has a lot of great ideas but he's just not at the stage to make and take great photos.

So I started him out with the usual bowl of fruits. I make him set it up and take 3 pictures.

It's like a test to see how creative he can get.

He passed. He took the bowl and turned it upside down, placing the fruit in odd positions around it.

I was just proud he didnt leave them in the bowl. Like painters do. Not THAT annoys the Jesus christ out of me.


We hand an old people day Wednesday. Me and sage say around my dark room making old pictures all shiny again.

And we restored so only ones. Wasn't really all that interesting.


I made Sage hide out in his room when El came for her shot. When he kept begging to come out I told him only if he kept his mouth shut, didn't talk or look at her and NOT TO FLIRT because her Bf could beat his ass no problem.

He did as he was told and when El asked about him I said he was a student.

She allowed him to take a few practice shots. He did alright. Iv seen better but hey. *Shrugs*


Friday we set up my schedule. Friday was work work day. I locked myself in my office and set up my schedule, payed bills, made phone calls and received ones from Cher Lloyd who wants to schedule a shoot.

Also Ed Sheeran.

I mean I love these people. There like amazing artist and every since I met and be Mae involved with One Direction iv been gettings calls left and right. I'm actually over booked. Iv got shoots scheduled for 2 month.

I'm actually Ganna have to start working now huh. No more work week. Now it's going to have to be work MONTH.


Saturday was my abstract day.

I put on purple pants with turquoise paint splattered and a shirt that was turquoise splattered with purple. I did my top lip turquoise and my bottom lip purple. I had crazy eyeshadow and my shoes were miss matched.

I took some of the photos and Sage took some.

I'm trying to get him used and comfortable being behind the camera.

Then I changed to a lace top and lace leggings and made my lip stick striped white and black.

It was kind of an odd day but alot of the pictures turned out amazing!

Ones i did and ones Sage did.


Me and Sage caught up.

He told me about the Twins Emma and Emily. How there 7 now and in the 3rd grade. He said its hard taking care of them with Carol gone all the time.

Carol was my step mom, the twins and Sages adoptive


I feel bad for him. He works 2 jobs, goes to school, and juggles the girls. The poor boy had no life.

But iv been there before. I was there. I was him. The only difference is I has 3 kids and no experience.

I taught Sage how to deal with things like this. How to make it all work. It's still really hard on him. But when he stays with me on work weeks he feels relived and refeshed when I go home.

I'm upset I can't see the girl though. Carol got a restraining order saying I tryed to kidnapp them. Now I can't go within 200 feet of them.

It's hard. I raised those girls. I raised Sage. Sage is Legally my kid.

Sage is my son.

MKAYY. Next chappie will be better promise!

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