07- A new bump in the road

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Y/N's p.o.v

The nurse had just left after checking my vitals for the first time whilst I was conscious. Saeyoung had fallen asleep on the chair next to me. He looked really cute whilst he was sleeping, I didn't want to disturb him as he'd been here waiting for me to wake up for hours.

I could remember every single excruciatingly painful punch to the gut, face, neck, legs and worst of all my arms. Everything hurt, I was completely defenceless at that point i was oh so ready to accept my own death; the pain was almost unbearable. I felt like shit, I feel like shit.

I lent across Saeyoung to Get my bag and took out my phone after setting it on my lap. After typing my dads number in the phone and brought it up to my ear and was about to press call, something told me not to. He had the right to know of course but, I didn't have to tell him yet.

Slowly I began to drift off to sleep once more, I was exhausted and needed to escape reality.

2 hours later

Saeyoung's p.o.v.

I woke up with a sigh from the uncomfortable chair id took a nap in. My phone was binging every 2 or 3 seconds. Must be the messenger I thought to myself. I took out my phone to check but it was on silent, maybe it was Y/N's phone. I checked to see who was texting her and why so often.

I dropped the phone looking at the messages.

"Oh my god. After all this time... it was always you..."I said allowed to no one in particular

Y/N is... U/N..

I needed to be sure, of course we'd never had pictures of U/N or her name or what part of the country she lived in or anything! We knew nothing. Yoosung, Jumin, Jaehee, V and Zen. Of course we've never seen what any one us looks like but either but U/N was a mystery and that's why I fell in love with her.

At this moment in time my head was running a mile per minute and I couldn't think straight. So the only sane thing my mind could come up with was to text everyone on the messenger and tell them to get here right away.

707  has entered the chatroom

707: Guys you have to get to the hospital at this address right now we have something important we need to talk about. As soon as possible.

Yoosung Kim: woah woah calm down there buddy. What do you mean "right now" I'm in class.

Jaehee: Both Mr Han and I are in an important meeting right now Lucile can't it wait?

Zen: That's close by. I'll be right over just need to clean up. Kinda fucked yo how the first time we see what each other looks like we'll be in a hospital.

707: I don't care about your stupid meeting or your class or about how the first time we see each other is in a hospital. I think I've found U/N and she's hurt. Badly.

Yoosung Kim: WHAT?! I'll be right over!

Jaehee: I'll tell Mr Han right now. I'm sure we'll be right there.

Zen: What!  The princess is hurt?! I'll kill the bastard who did this to her! I'm on my way.

707: thank you... I can't believe I've known her for this long and it didn't click..

707 has left the chatroom
Yoosung Kim has left the chatroom
Jaehee has left the chatroom
Zen has left the chatroom

Narrators p.o.v

And with that they all set off, all making their way to the small hospital room in a small hospital after they're mystery friend had been identified. Oh if only they knew the tragedies that were about to follow the events that would occur later that morning. Maybe they would've turned around. Gone back home, never came in the first place. But for one the guilt of what they have done will haunt them forever. 

Never Judge a book by their cover.


This ones a bit of a shorter one guys! Sorry about that I didn't know where to go with this so I thought before Y/N and Saeyoung tackle the cutting problem I'd tackle the Other problem! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Leave a comment vote if you enjoyed and I'll get the next chapter out as soon as I can! I can't express how much you guys mean to me. ❤️☺️💕

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