22. Questions and Answers [Special]

Start from the beginning

Jin: I don't think anyone understands how comfortable it is. It's like a hot tub, but tasty. It makes your body feel delicious. So of course, I will continue.

2. Why are you so handsome?

Jin: It comes naturally. I can't help it nor can I offer tips.

3. You're so handsome. You should be called Worldwide Handsome.

Jin: I know, and I already am called that. Thanks babe.

4. Pineapple on pizza, yes or no?

Jin: Molly likes it so if I say anything against it she will end me.

Molly: *nods*

5. How does it feel to handle six people?

Jin: I don't. Y/N can deal with it. *shrugs*

6. I love you all, but why aren't you more responsible? You can't just go around making every girl fall for you...

Jin: Stop walking with your shoelaces tied together and you'll be fine my dear.

7. Yeehaw or hawyeet?

Jin: Yeethaw.

8. I got more beauty in my left nut than you have in your entire body.

Jin: *windshield laugh* I'll be adding that to my personal joke book. Thank you very much.


1. Why do you hate me so much?

Yoongi: Who are you?

2. I love youuu and why do you hate me so much?

Yoongi: Ew. And I don't know you so I'm not going to waste energy hating you. I need it for Y/N.

3. Why are you such an ass?

Yoongi: *shrugs*

4. Although you're an ass, you're still very cute and I would love to give you a three dolla chain—

Yoongi: Sounds cheap. No thanks.

5. How do you feel about your surroundings, Yoongi? Do you like it? Are you planning on staying there with Y/N and settling down? And do you have any memory of where you came from or is it still gone?

Yoongi: It's a freaking cage in here. I hate being stuck with everyone. I'd leave Y/N in a heartbeat if she'd stop being such a tightass and let us loose. And no, I don't have any memory of us before.

Y/N: I'm keeping you safe from THAT *points at shady man* you ungrateful brat.

Yoongi: *rolls eyes*

6. You're lucky Y/N is your owner and not me. If it was me I would have manhandled you already.

Yoongi: I'm sorry, did you all miss the part where she kicked me into a wall?

7. How do you do your sleeping habits?

Yoongi: Step one, close your eyes. Step two, sleep. It isn't that hard.

8. Can you be nice for like a day?

Yoongi: I mean I COULD. But I'm not going to be.

9. What else do you for the majority of your time besides sleep? Poop, pee? Do dolls even go to the bathroom? Eat?

Yoongi: There isn't anything else to do so I sleep. When I can't sleep, I brainstorm ways to torment the one holding us hostage. I don't eat that often. And yes, we use the bathroom. *glares at Taehyung*

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