Chapter Fifty-Five

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[Chapter Fifty-Five]

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[Chapter Fifty-Five]

Needless to say, after failing the Apparition Test the first time, Saros was plenty disappointed with himself. However, he tried to not let it show when it came to being in the company of his friends. He would force a smile on his face when he was around Angelina and the twins, keeping with the spirit that he could take the test again over the summer. It helped to know that he wasn't the only one who had failed, but it still hurt his pride quite a bit. With Angelina's kiss fueling him with plenty of hope when he entered the cottage, he was sure that he was going to pull it off.

He had felt plenty confident as he entered the and the proctor instructed him to apparate to Honeydukes for his token and then return. Saros did so and when he had disapparated, he had done so with a smile. Standing proudly in Honeydukes, Saros only realised that his prosthetic wasn't with him when he attempted to take a step forward and was caught off balance. Without his prosthetic, he toppled over to the floor. To make matters worse, the workers in Honeydukes believed he had fully splinched himself, one of the women screaming at the sight of him with no leg.

Saros' face had turned beet red as he came to fall to the floor and for a moment, he didn't bring himself to move. The employees of the sweet shop hurried over and asked him if he was alright, but Saros didn't answer right away. Of course, physically he was fine, but emotionally, he just wanted to cry at the time. How he had felt so confident before leaving the cottage, only to end up failing again. And to make matters worse, he had managed to make a scene around himself in his state. He couldn't even bring himself to tell the employees that he was alright, he wouldn't even reach for the token.

Instead, he disapparated one more and made his way back to the cottage within seconds. As he collapsed to the hardwood floor once more, he found his prosthetic in place standing upright where he had left it originally. He wanted nothing more to blast it away from him with the use of his wand, throw it away as his reflection of himself seemed to just mock him. 

The proctor had made his way over, wanting to check and see if Saros had injured himself with splinching, but Saros raised his hand, telling the man to keep his distance.  The reaction of the Honeydukes employees had been enough to hurt him, he didn't want any more assistance to wound his ego further. He was allowed to gather himself, snatching the prosthetic with such anger before placing it on again. And as Saros sat on the floor, he could hear Angelina outside with the twins.

They were all counting on him, cheering him on, and they all had faith that he would be able to do it. The fact that he had to walk out there and face them with his failure hurt him even more. Biting the inside of his cheek, Saros pushed himself up, apologising to the proctor if he came across as rude, and then excused himself to leave. When he walked outside and saw the hopeful looks on their faces, he wanted nothing more but to make them proud. And for a moment, he wanted to relish in the idea of what it would have been like if he had passed.

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