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Later that night I heard a horrendous knock on the door. Oh my god is someone breaking in!!! No god please no. I got up immediately tiptoeing to the main door. I was scared as hell. We donot take living alone for granted do we???
"Whose it? "I asked slowly
"Open the door fast I gotta pee"
I heard a familiar voice.
"J" I could only whisper that as I opened the door. She pushed me aside like a hurricane.
"Where the hell is the bathroom? She asked like a tsunami
"Go to your right, turn left"I said when I could got my head around her instructions. She marched right in and I heaved a sigh of relief. All this while I didn't know there was a hand on my heart.
"God j, you will kill me sometime"I whispered to myself. After sometime she came out with that sly face.
"What? "I questioned her
"Nothing just sorry, you just be wondering why I couldn't wait five more minutes and drive to my home and then pee"
"Really j, I did not have time to think that I asked about your sly smile that you have on your cute face"
"Oh well I felt so good after peeing-"
"Don't even"I said interrupting her. We were having a ridiculous conversation at.......  2:00 in the morning. I looked at the wall clock
"you got free now "I asked her shocked
"Yup, he made me work more and more I swear I was so angry on him that I didn't bother to use the restroom and the rest is history"
"Oh my god you must be hungry let's get something in your tummy. "I said and marched into the kitchen but not before j rolled her eyes on me following me behind.
"Yeah!  do that j "I said as I passed her a glass of water.
She just smiled and I heated up the curry rice that were left from earlier.
"I can't believe myself at one point of time I felt that I was falling for him"she again said loudly
"Such a kid you are ;he made you work!that's all "I said stating the facts.
"I know that but still, I don't think he has time for anything in life"
"I tend to agree to that but that's his priority, I don't even know him as a person "
"Me niether, makes sense but the good thing is I got him out of my system"she said with spark in her eyes
"Great now have this"I put the servings in both the plates. I was hungry also!!! 😉😏
She ate a bite and I looked at her expectantly.
"Its good, I would like anything at this hour"she said
" thats true, Hey did he give you a late lease? "I said asking her
"Zi what is a late lease? "
"Well he would give you an excuse if you come late today"
"Oh na! I have to be on time "she said casually
"O... K.. a.. y.... then sleep  here ofcourse only if your comfortable"
"Sounds good"she said and we returned to sleep at around 4 in the morning.
'god knows if we were going to get office on time'
I woke at around 6:30 feeling tired and sleepy. I dragged myself to the bathroom to take a bath. Just after having a shower I felt a whole lot comfortable.

"J wake up"I said as I moved to her side of the bed

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"J wake up"I said as I moved to her side of the bed. I shook her a little.
"J it's 7:00 already we are going to be late"I moved her again
"Woman are you dead? " I said and moved her again.
Okay well then I lifted her shirt a little and started tickling her.
She moved a little and became a little conscious after a while.
"Stop it zi" she said amusingly
"You are not ticklish!? "
"Na! " I felt so embarrassed. Add this my list.
"Um...  Sorry get ready "
"don't worry about that by the way  zi  I will get ready at my home its five minutes away "
"Whatever sounds easy to you-but don't sleep again"I said playfully
"I won't ;our website launches in a few hours "she said and left wearing her coat.
I thought about the whole situation and laughed like a moron.
"We are so funny"I muttered to myself and headed to have my breakfast. Indeed it was a big day today.

Zev enterprises
I reached office on time. Hardly did I enter the office when I started feeling anxious. As per Zev after the website launch, I would have an interview with the Canadian media.

J looked at me nervous. I couldn't help but return the same look. I went to her and squeezed her hand.

"We are good j"
"Yup! We are good"she replied back.

Zev was after j the whole day then

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Zev was after j the whole day then.damn he is determined.  All were working hard on it. Nothing should go wrong!!
All the staff skipped lunch that day. We were loaded with work.
Running in  and around the office continued and at around 7:00 pm we were there ready to launch the website.
"Done it"zev said with his victorious tone
"Finally we did it" all of us shouted together.
I felt proud of my friend but at the same time a thought struck my mind. We work hard for somethings in life. We literally have small small journeys to our goals but when we achieve it, we switch to yet another journey.

"Great job everybody now Ziana you have an interview tomorrow at 10:00 in the morning" here we go again. J looked ready to murder him but she  was  hungry. Then I smelled something.

Dominos!!!! Yeah
I jumped in delight
"Go ahead eat it, my treat"Zev said
'May be we have to leave the idea of  murdering him'
That's all lovelies
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I love you guys
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The journey or the fruit
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My journey - barefootOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant