" I don't know where to go exactly... " You mumbled, looking at the map, while Hoseok holds your hands, confidently.

" Isn't there that Sherlock Holmes you like? I heard the government recreated his house. " He said and your eyes lit up, " Wait What?? Really?!! " You jumped up and down excitedly.

" But I don't know the address. " He laughs.

" 221B Baker Street.. I think it's there, exactly like the book. " You smiled, pulling Hoseok with you.

" Wah ~ " You gasped, covering your mouth in happiness, " It's really Holmes' House!! Omg omg omg omg omg " You run your hands through the walls and bookshelves, your facial expression like you just touched Jesus.

" Stop overreacting, it's just a house. " Hoseok laughs as you hit him, " Noo! It's the most beautiful house I've ever seen! " said you.

You took lots of pictures with the camera you brought, and can't stop laughing at how it brings back memories of your childhood filled with Detective books.

" There was this time when he was almost killed. " You nudged Hoseok, " Really? "

" I think he was chasing after a criminal on a boat, and that guy shot a bullet that apparently was one inch away from his head. "

" At that time I was really having a heart attack, and I literally fainted. " You smiled and Hoseok widened his eyes, " What— really?? "

" No I'm just kidding. " You chuckled.


At 221B Baker Street  #SERI

" Where should we have lunch? " You asked, and Hoseok clutches onto your hand tightly, " I came prepared, I think you're going to like it

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" Where should we have lunch? " You asked, and Hoseok clutches onto your hand tightly, " I came prepared, I think you're going to like it. "

He took you to this large fancy building, you began freezing in place as he turned around, tilting his head, " Whats wrong, Jagiya? " He asked.

" Uh, We're not coming for a party or anything right? It's just lunch right? " You asked, nervously as he chuckled, pinching your cheek. " No, we're not going to a party. "

" But it looks too— fancy. "

" Is that a bad thing? "

" My outfit... people will look down at me... "

" As if they could look down at the most beautiful thing in this world. "

" But still.. "

He sighs,

" Hold onto my hand then. " he says and you raised your eyebrows, " Alright.. "

" WAH ~~ sMELL ~ " Hoseok sniffed the plate of food and let's out a satisfy grin. " Jin Hyung would love it here, what did you get? " Hoseok asks.

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