"I thought that may cheer you up but just in case." She hands me a bag.

Excitedly, I peer inside to find a cupcake and a really cute card waiting for me. I squeal, trying my best not to break out into a happy dance right here.

I may hate this day but Ella is after my own heart.

She opens her locker and I panic, trying to whip my phone out to record. I see her begin to read the note and even my cold heart melts when Sage appears with a bouquet of flowers.

She says yes of course but I draw the line when they begin to kiss in front of me.

"Sappy time is over please leave room for Jesus." I demand, slamming my locker shut.

Stella and James are even worse. They plan on going to a rock concert in the city tonight and by the state of their lips, they've already thoroughly celebrated this holiday.

I hate couples.

Ashton, Zev, and Gabe join us, all in varying moods. Gabe is winking at girls right and left, even handing one a card. I can't help but roll my eyes as she squeals, he has twenty more in his bag just like it. Zev is much more respectful when it comes to girls, giving them personalized notes. Ashton, however, is oblivious to the girls eyeing him in the hall as he leans against my locker.

"Happy Val-" Zev starts.

I throw my hands up, "Nope." I've already heard that word to much today and it's only 8 am.

He hands me a card, it takes all my might not to shred it up on impulse. I open it, finding a terribly drawn sombrero on the inside with a message.

You're the Juan for me

I let out a chuckle, that's actually funny.

"Get it, because you're Puerto Rican." He explains, handing them out to the rest of the group, I drink my coffee to distract myself. Ashton begins to play with the two space buns I did my hair in, I should've known I would regret them.

"You know, Scar, for someone who claims to hate this holiday you're dressed quite nicely." Gabe says, his tone not matching the innocent smile he has on his face.

I grunt, not bothering to stop drinking. Uncle John made me change out of my leggings. I retaliated by wearing ripped boyfriend jeans with red fishnets peaking out, a white shirt that read loveless and Doc Martens.

I screamed anti-love.

"You know, if things get boring you can always take me up on my offer." Gabe offers, Ashton stops hitting my buns. I mock gag remembering his oh, so kind offer for me to be his date tonight. As much as I've been reminded how entertaining Gabe is these past couple weeks, I have no desire to catch a disease.

A girl approaches our group, asking politely for Ashton. He obliges, walking off to the side with her. Despite my sour attitude I can't help but watch out of the corner of my eye. Noticing how pretty she is with curled strawberry blond hair, skinny jeans and a snug sweater accenting her features. He tells her something and she glares back at us before storming off.

I'm surprised to feel a small bit of relief as I watch her leave.

"What was that about, bro?" Gabe asks, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively as Ashton rejoins us.

He shrugs, throwing an arm around my shoulder. "Absolutely nothing."

And with that we head off to class.


My mood tanks when even Ms. Miller gets a special delivery of roses in the middle of the class. My she demon of a teacher is even celebrating this holiday.

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