I take a deep breath before opening my door, embracing the brisk air. I leave my crutches in the car, only needing them at school. The snows all melted but ice still lingers on the ground, how do I know this? Because halfway up the walkway I slip on ice and start to go down.

I prepare myself for impact but it never comes, Ashton grabs my waist and picks me up. "Looks like I can't take you anywhere." He smirks but something seems different.

Being carried into a restaurant can be weird. Being carried into a restaurant when your cousin is there can be awkward.

Avery's in her usual booth with a group of minions gathered around her. They all stop talking when they hear Ashton ask for a booth. Avery scowls at me face, looks like her petty little plan didn't work after all. I try to nonchalantly look for the bruise on her face to no avail, she seems completely put together in a red sweater, probably cashmere, and nice boots. I'm beginning to regret the Eggo shirt.

Ashton pays no attention to them as he leads us to a far corner table, just not far enough from the teenage demons.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't know she would-" Ashton starts but I hold a finger up to his lips.

"It's fine, you couldn't have known." Besides I doubt Avery will be doing anything to cause a problem until her nose is healed. She'd die if anyone knew Stella punched her. I could hear the gossip now, James King's new girlfriend beats up ex. The thought puts a smile on my face.

The glare Avery sends my way quickly dissolves it.

Ashton and I chat about mindless things while we wait to be served. Right before I get up to complain a teenage girl struts over in our direction. Her eyes latching onto Ashton without a glance in my direction.

"What can I get you?" She asks in a perky tone, slightly leaning over the table. I mock gag at the desperation and Ashton laughs, causing her to look at me. She skims over me with disinterest before frowning.

"I'll have coffee and the French toast plate, please." I say, fighting the urge to push my glasses up on my nose. Looking like a total nerd won't do me any favors.

She purses her lips, "Are you sure you can eat all that?" The question held a bite that made me want to better hide my mid drift.

"I'm sure." I deadpan, her attention back to Ashton like I never existed.

"I'll have the breakfast platter with orange juice." He states before turning his attention away from her. Her smile falters, clearly she's not used to being rejected.

We don't say much as she brings us our drinks, this time not lingering to chat. I  go to add sugar to my coffee when Ashton pulls it back. "Are you sure you should be drinking this?"

I try for the drink again but he holds it in the air. I frown at him, it's not fair when your a midget compared to a 6'4 giant.

"I'm positive." I assure him but he doesn't budge. I take his drink from the table defiantly, "Fine then, looks like I'll just drink yours."

He smiles smugly, "Go for it, you hate orange juice."

I scream internally, orange juice is the worst drink in the entire universe. The fact Ashton likes it really makes me question his judgement. I lift it closer to my face as my stomach rolls. It's disgusting. Ashton's eyes gleam likes he's already won and for a moment I consider giving in but then I'm reminded of my coffee.

I really want my coffee.

With one last gulp of clean air, I take a sip of the bitter drink, instantly wanting to spit it back into the cup. He smirks at me, leaning back in his chair. I'm not giving up so easily. I swallow, gagging as a I wipe my tongue repeatedly with a napkin.

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