Sage gives me a knowing look, "Scar-"

I cut him off. "You four are my main priority. I know that. Ashton knows that. You know that."

I can't allow myself to be distracted by some guy and lose focus of their well being. They are the most important thing in my life, even though Ashton is currently a close second.

Going into seclusion mood last week reminded me of my priorities.

"You gotta let people in one day, Sis."

"And you have to stop pretending eventually." I counter back softly.

Sage tries to get me out of my issues while ignoring his own. He hides behind the jokes and too loud laughs, allowing for the world to assume he's ok. Sometimes I think he's trying to convince himself as well.

"It's a good thing we're going to therapy tomorrow." He remarks, an honest laugh escaping his mouth. We're both screwed up.

I study my brothers face, shocked to see the fading touches of childhood. A strong jawline replacing the last little bit of baby fat, small patches of facial hair attempting to grow.

His similarities to Dad hit me like a punch to the gut, they could've passed as twins.


I couldn't lie to my orthodontist, who noticed right away I hadn't been wearing my retainer. In my defense I lost it, five months ago.

My tongue runs over the plastic covering my teeth, this sucks. I glance back in the rear view mirror, the twins lips protruding out to accommodate their new braces. It could always be worse.

I just picked the them up from their therapy appointments, dropping Sage off. Dr. O' Shannon likes to see us separately, meaning I spend all day going back and forth from her office. I'd rather do that than waste all day there.

Although, now that I'm watching the twins peel their lips off the wires, I should've scheduled the talking appointment before they were loads of pain.


Saffron is dozing off, holding the arm she had to get a shot on close to her chest. It took her bawling in my lap, and accidentally ripping out a chunk of my hair, for me to learn she's not the biggest fan of needles.

At least she stopped crying.

It's already four in the afternoon, the only appointment left after Sage is my own session.

"Let's go get milkshakes." I prompt, pulling into Chick-fil-a, causing the three gloomy faces to perk up. Bingo.

We walk in, sighing at the heat. Winter needed to be officially canceled so I could get feeling back in my fingers. I shuffle through my purse for my wallet, lost somewhere in the abyss of receipts and gum wrappers.

"Ashley!" Saffron cries, darting off to the right of me.

I panic, my eyes scanning for her. Who the hell is Ashley? The twins are no help, leaned up against the wall running their jaws.

What a couple babies.

I find her seconds later, finally understanding she said Ashy and not Ashley as I see her being carried by Ashton. A smile naturally appears on my face watching him listen to Saffron's story about her shot as he walks over. She's going to be such a drama queen one day.

"Hey." He offers to the twins who just slightly nod their heads.

"Braces." I explain, taking a step up in line. He grimaces, setting Saff down.

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