Chapter 20

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I had just finished washing the dishes when I decided to call Michael's phone again but it just went straight to voicemail. I released a sigh before walking out the kitchen.

"Ava..." I called as I entered the living room to find her on the floor, coloring. She then looks up at me, nervously

"Did you call him, mommy?" She asked softly and I nod.

"Yes baby but his phone is still turned off." I smile sympathetically at her. She looks down for a while before looking back up at me.

"Can you call him again?" She asked softly. I shake my head.



"Because his phone is turned off and he's not going to answer." I said, pressing my lips in a thin line. She frowns.

"But I wanted to show him my drawing. When is he coming home mommy?" She asked.

"Ava, you can show him your drawing in the morning." I said, before picking her up. "C'mon lets get you ready for bed."

I carried her up to the bathroom and helped her get ready for a bath. I help her take off her clothes and turn on the bathtub water, starting it up for her. I quickly gave Ava a wash up and after her bath, I then wrapped her up in a towel, drying her off. I then helped her out by putting on her underwear and princess nightgown and putting her hair in a messy bun. I then carried her to her room and helped her get ready for bed.

"Mommy, do you like Michael?" Ava asked suddenly as I tucked her in.

"Yes baby I do. Why did you ask?" I asked. She shakes her head.

"Nothing... just wanted to know if you like him or not because he likes you."

"And how do you know that?" I asked. She smiled mischievously.

"I can't tell you mommy, it's a secret."

She giggled and I giggled back at her. I then kissed her forehead and smiled down at her. "Goodnight baby."

"Goodnight mommy, I love you."

"I love you too."

I dim her night light before walking out of her room and closing the door behind me. I then headed back downstairs to the living room and picked up Ava's things off of the floor before heading back upstairs again to put them away.

Once I'm finish with that, I make my way to the bathroom to take a quick shower, preparing myself for bed. After I was done, I went to Michael's room instead of mine and I put on my panties and one of his red button up shirts before climbing into his bed and getting under the covers.

I let out a sigh as I looked up at the ceiling thinking about him and the baby. I place my hand on my stomach and smiled. I'm happy to be pregnant with Michael's baby because I know that he'll be a great father, and he'll be much better than Ava's dad for sure.

Michael wouldn't ever turn his back on us and he'll always be there for us, and that's why I love him so much and that's what made me fall for him. He's so special to me and I'm glad to have him in my life. I know that he won't ever hurt me and I can put all my trust in him.

I miss him already and I can't stop thinking about him, and I honestly wish he was here with me right now. It's so hard for me to fall asleep when all I keep thinking about is him kissing and making love to me. I want to make love to him so bad right now. I need him.

I tried calling his phone again but it went straight to voicemail once again. I sighed heavily and run my fingers through my hair, putting it in a messy bun. That's so strange of him to have his phone off, usually it's always on. But maybe his phone is dead and he didn't have a charger. I can't wait for him to come home, but I'm going to try and wait up for him. Hopefully he comes home soon.

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