Chapter 1

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I have never done anything like this before and never in a lifetime have I thought that I would be doing something like this. After all, it is just for the money and that's exactly what I keep telling myself. It's for the money.

Wow this is too crazy...

I should just start my car up and just head back home but I need the money so I can provide for me and my daughter so at this very moment, I really don't have a choice. I have to do this. I take one last look at myself through the rear view mirror and I finger combed through my hair then apply a little more of mascara and fixing my boobs in my dress.

I stepped out of my car and press the lock buttons as I breathe out deeply as I start walking towards the hotel. My heart is racing so fast in my chest. I'm super nervous and it feels like I'm about to faint. I stepped inside the elevator and press the number seven button, heading up to the seventh floor. I purse my lips together and thought about what I'm going to do once I'm in that room with that stranger. I don't know who he is but whoever he is, is paying a hell of a lot of money for me to dance for him.

The elevator finally came to a stop, and I stepped out. Then I'm suddenly surrounded by a group of familiar handsome men as they all look at me.

"Is this her?" One of the men ask. "

Yeah, I think this is her." One of the other guys replies then he looks at me.

"Are you Star?" The guy asked and I nod.

"Yes I am." I answered confidently. "I wasn't told that I was going to entertain a group of handsome men." They all laughed.

"Oh no sweetheart, you're not entertaining us." He say. "By the way, I'm Jermaine. And these are my brothers Marlon, Jackie, Randy and Tito." They all wave to me as I smiled at them.

"But you'll be entertaining our brother, Michael. You see, he's one of the shy ones." Jermaine explains.

"Yeah, and I think he's scared of women." Marlon adds in.

"Yeah, so we want you to show him that there is nothing to be afraid of." Jermaine say softly.

"Yeah, seduce him. Show him a good time." Randy says with a smirk plastered on his flawless face. I nod.

"Ok, but I'm not having sex with him, I don't do that." I warned. They all nod.

"We understand. Michael is in that room over there." Jermaine says pointing at the door to the second door to the right. I nod and make my way to the door.

"Remember, show him a good time. Show him that there's nothing to be afraid of, alright?" He asked. I nod.

"I will."

He nods and they all stepped inside the elevator. I take a deep breath and close my eyes.

"Ok, you can do this." I whisper to myself before knocking on the door. Seconds later, the door flies open and the guy's smile drops as he stares at me with confusion written all over his face.

Woah he's gorgeous.

We both stare into each other's eyes and I bite down on my bottom lip and smiled.

"Were you expecting someone?" I ask seductively. He gulps.

"No I-I... I thought you we're my brothers." He stutters. I lick my lips and step closer to him, but he steps back. I smirk and look him up and down.

"Um... who are you and what are you doing here?" I asked. I shrug.

"Heard you wanted company." I replied back. He looks up and down the corridor then back at me.

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