Chapter 10

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The next morning, the alarm goes off at 7:15 and I get out of bed with a slight smile on my face, feeling very excited. Today is my first day of my new job as Michael's maid.

Thank god I won't be working at the strip club anymore.

Today is a fresh new start for me. Starting my new job today so I'll be working for much more money so I can buy my daughter whatever she wants. It's not only my first day, but it's also Ava's first day of preschool. She told me to not send her to school because she's scared that the kids wouldn't like her, but last night I gave her a pep talk about the situation. I'm not worried about it at all, because Ava is very friendly and I know that she will make a lot of friends.

I stepped out of the shower and put on my robe as I brush my teeth. I walked in my room and lotion up before putting on my bra and panties. After putting on lotion, I put back on my robe and made my way to Ava's room. I opened her door to see she's still sleeping peacefully, snoring softly and I can't help but smile. I walk up to her bed and gently start shaking her, and she starts to whine.

"Ava, wake up it's time for school, baby."

She rolls over on her stomach and cover her entire body with her comforter. I snatched it off of her and began tickling her. She squirmed around and start giggling and it turned into full blown laughs.

"Mommy... Mommy."

"Are you awake now?" I asked. She quickly sits up and nod.

"Yes mommy."

She says giggling and I smiled at her, before giving her a kiss on the cheek. I then walked over to her closet and opened it.

"So, what do you want to wear today?" I asked. She then points her finger at her costume.

"Princess." She replied softly and I shake my head.

"No baby, you can't wear that to school."

"Why mommy?" She asked, frowning.

"Because it's for Halloween, not school."

I then rummage through her closet and I peep the pink sundress I bought for her when we went to the mall.

"How about this one?" I asked, showing her the dress I bought for her. She smiles and nods her head as I grab the dress from off the hanger.



"Ok baby, let's get you out of your pajamas and in the tub."

I helped her take off her clothes and carried her to the bathroom to give her a bath. I then got her in the tub and she grabs her rubber duck. She starts squeezing it and laughing.

"Mommy... bubble." She says, giggling and I smiled.

After giving her a bath, I then wiped the eye boogers out her eyes and I wrapped her in a towel and carried her to the sink to brush her teeth. After brushing and flossing her teeth, I carried her to her room to get dressed. I helped her in the dress and cute sandals. I then combed her hair in a neat bun then we went to the kitchen.

"What do you want to eat, baby?"

"Foot woops." She says, pointing at the cereal box on top of the fridge.  I giggled at her pronoucation of Froot Loops as I poured her a bowl of cereal.

"Ava, take your cereal and go watch TV while mommy gets ready for work, ok?"


She takes her bowl of cereal in the living room and I walked in my room to get ready. I put on my housekeeper uniform and combed my hair in a neat bun. I sprayed on some perfume, grab my purse and walked downstairs.

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