I was walking towards my room to start with the packing, when a creaking sound of door caught my attention

The door in the far corner of the hallway was slightly ajar...

That room is always locked, I never asked the housekeepers about it, may be it's a storeroom...

I walked towards the room,to close the door, but I don't know what came to me, I decided to peek in...

I open the door, and it made creaking sound, like I am entering some dungeon, which creeped me out, as I enter, the smell of wood and paints greet me...

What is this room...

I move around to search for the switchboard, but in due course I collide with something and it fells on the ground


After some almost blind attempts and few more collisions I finally find the switchboard and turn on the light...

The room lit up and I close my eyes as the light was too bright, and then slowly blink them to adjust the brightness...

The room was spotless white and full of painting canvases, and there was only one window, which had no curtains, and the glass was reflector, this means the person inside could see what is going on outside,but vice versa cannot happen...

The window faced my parents house's garden, where my swing is placed, I would always sit there with bruno in the evening, now I could only see the night lamp lit and my swing there...

Beside the window there was a huge table,where all the necessary items for paitings were arranged neatly...

I walk towards the the table and see that there were color palletes, paint brushes of different sizes, colors, pencils and something like a black chalks were placed...

Whose room is this...?

I didn't know there is an artist in this house..?

And why this room is always locked, and most importantly, who opened it..?

I look around to find beautiful paintings of trees, a lake, a beautiful landscape of mountains, a shadow painting of a stunning night sky where shooting stars can be seen...

I also find Jo Jo's painting there, He was Aayan's dog, whom he rescued from a construction site, and then made him his pet, he was a very cute black dog, with super cute eyes, this artist has literally painted Jo jo as he was, like it can come alive any second...

This artist is indeed talented...

I remember how badly Aayan cried when Jo Jo was taken to the hospital as he fell ill and then he never returned, I was 5 at that time and this was the time when Priyanka Mom used to live with them..

Aayan never got another pet after him, Dad tried a lot to convince Aayan that they can get a dog of a stronger breed, but he couldn't get over Jo Jo and didn't agree for a new pet...

He was stubborn right from the start...

But then there were no more oil paintings and then there were random sketches of people, with fine detailings..

The weird thing I saw that, there were 2-3 sketches, with only eyes, very beautiful, sketched with black pencil...

They were really really beautiful eyes...
There were only eyes, no face...

But whose eyes are they, and who sketched them...

I looked around the room, it looked like some artist's studio...

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