chapter 6 the Jedi Master's power and mercy

Start from the beginning

Zo-zeion mind: I don't want to use my lightsaber and end up accidentally killing them

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Zo-zeion mind: I don't want to use my lightsaber and end up accidentally killing them.

The first one to attack was the one with a red hood and cape she then rushes at me and pulls out what looks like I Giant Scythe out of nowhere and proceeded to slash at me and I block her slashes with my sword without any effort she then trys to swipe at my legs but I jump and kick her in the head and then I proceeded to backflip away she then gets out of her Daze and transforms her giant scythe into a freaking gun!!!!!!
Then she then fires at me and I flawlessly and effortlessly Dodge all of her shots and even deflect a few using my sword and a Little Help from the force to make sure that they didn't just explode upon impact.
And soon enough her weapon runs out of ammo she then transforms it back into a giant scythe and precedes to try to slash it me again and again which of course I either Dodge or counter with my own blade until eventually I grew bored with this little back and forth we were having so I decided to use my sword to disarm her of her weapon I then kick her in the gut and use the force to push her back to the orange-haired woman I had disarmed and defeated earlier.

Zo-zeion: * transforms her weapon back into its original form* another fascinating weapon and such beautiful design and Care put into it.
But I'm getting off topic where were we again?
Oh right who's next?

Blonde haired woman: RUBY YOUR GOING TO GET IT NOW!!!!!

The blonde haired woman then slams her fists together suddenly I feel a massive burst of energy coming off her her lilac eyes turn red and her hair seemingly burst into golden flames and transforms her bracelets into two separate gauntlets / gun things.
She then she runs at me and begin for Onslaught of punches which are only Amplified by her weapons witch when she completes her punch If fires off a shotgun blast of sorts which she manages to get a few good punches on me and manages to break a few ribs and also dislocate my left arm and then without warning she's in punches me with both both arms and flings me into my ship putting a massive dent into its Hull and seemingly knocks me out.

(Team rwby and jnpr pov)

Yang: ok now that he's down let's check on ruby

Yang then runs over to ruby to check and see if she's okay

Yang: * feels for a pulse* oh thank oum he's ok.

jaune: wow yang you completely destroyed him.

Blake: lets get a good look at your face.

Blake then precedes to remove his cloak and look at him

Weiss: eww look at his shoulder Yang I think you popped it right out of its socket.

Blake: and I think you broke a few ribs to.

Ren: I think you went a little too far yang.

Yang: yeah maybe I did but it's best to be safe than sorry we don't know what he's capable of.

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