"It's Niall." She told me "He has a girlfriend" 

Stephanie had always had a thing for Niall but I thought she had gotten over it. I guess not, they have been really close lately.

"Steph I'm sorry I know you really liked him" 

"But I know what can make you feel better" I told her grabbing the remote and laying down on the other side of her bed.

"Hannah Montana Marathon!" I shouted as I put on netflix.

No matter how old we got we couldn't deny we still loved Hannah Monatana. We jam out to her in the car all the time together.

"Yeah!" Stephanie said to me smiling a little, at least it was something.

We hung out in her room for a while watching episode after episode not saying anything to each other I knew she didn't want to talk and I wasn't going to make her. It was almost 6 and I am fucking starving.

"Steph! Let's get some food!" I said puling her arm.

"No" She replied.

"Yes, we're going to McDonalds to get food like right now let's go" 

"fine" She said rolling out of bed and pulling her hair up into a bun.

She told me what happened at the hotel, I just hope she isn't getting to attached to Zayn now. I hate seeing her heartbroken like this.

 We went back to the house and watched Triple Dog another one of our favorite movies. Stephanie was finally feeling better by the end of the night. 

"I gotta go Steph it's getting late" I said standing up

"Okay, thanks for coming over Dev" She replied hugging me before I walked out the door.

"No problem! Text me later!" I yelled from the street getting into my car.

I blasted Ed Sheeran my whole way home, god I loved that ginger.

I finally arrived home Jacob and Will were both asleep with the T.V. with all the lights on and the door unlocked. Safety first!

I slide of my shoes and locked the front door, I walked through the rest of the downstairs making sure all the lights were out and turned the T.V off and walked upstairs to my room. 

I put on shorts and my favorite sweater, I don't care how ugly it is it's my favorite piece of clothing, I got under my covers but I was no where near tired. 

To: Zayn Malik

Hey! I heard about what happened with Steph! I was just with her she's feeling better now thanks for helping her out.

To: Devan Miller

hey no problem i wanted to make sure she was alright! :)x

*Zayn's POV*

I smiled at my phone when I saw Stephanie was feeling better.

"What are you smiling at?" Sara said as she pulled my phone from my hand. We we're hanging out in mine and Harry's hotel room he was going to pick up Emily from the airport she was flying over today.

"Why are you talking to her!" She whinned "And what happened with Stephanie!" She shouted.

I tried to explain what happened but she wouldn't listen to me.


"Shut up! They're my friends! I don't care what you think about them!" I shouted to her.

"You don't know them like I do!" She tried to defend herself.

"You know what Sara, they were right about you!"

"Oh really?!"

"Yeah, you're a controlling, judgmental person, and I'm completely sick of it! You treat everyone like shit and I'm done with you!" I got up and stormed out of the resturant not turning back, I'm not even upset about losing her. She was a bitch, and treated not only my friends but everyone like shit.

*Harry's POV*

Niall came with me to pick Emily up from the airport, it's kind of a long drive so it was nice to have some company.

"Guess who?" I said walking up behind her snaking my arms around her waste.

"Harry!" She yelled and turned around and kissed me.

I hugged her as tight as I could. I missed her so much, I was so happy she's here.

"Let's go" I said grabbing her bag and walking back to the car and drove back to the hotel catching up on everything we'd missed the past few weeks. God it's so good to see her again.  I can't wait for the girls to meet her.

* Devan's POV*

-Buzz Buzz-

Holy fuck my alarm clock is annoying!  As usual Adam was here to pick me up. Will and Jacob were both in bed still so it was extra quiet this morning.

Adam picked me up as usual, I hopped into the car and kissed him.

When we got to school me and Steph met in the parking lot like we did every morning.

"Hey guys!" Steph greeted us as we walked into school.

"Hey Stephanie!" Adam told her.

"How are you?" I asked her wanted to make sure she was better then the other day.

"Yeah, I'm good just going to get this shit done then head home!" Stephanie said to us laughing

"Good!" I replied giggling

"Devan! Stephanie!" We heard someone yell.

"What?" Stephanie asked truning around.

"I need to talk to you!" Yelled getting closer to us

"Why? What the fuck do you want Sara!" I yelled back to her.

"I want to know what you said to Zayn!" She shouted at us.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Stephanie asked her.

"You're the reason Zayn broke up with me! And I plan on getitng you back for this!" She yelled into our faces.

"Ha. He dumped you! That is fucking great!" I replied laughing Stephanie giggled too.

"I hate you!" She yelled pushing past us, me and Steph couldn't help but laugh. 

"Oh my god!" Steph said still laughing

"I'm texting the boys right now!" I replied taking out my phone.

Adam let out a deep breath.

"Babe what's wrong?" I asked him


"Fine don't tell me"

"You really want me to"

"No I want to guess why you're pissed off"


What? What did I do to him?

"What are you talking about Adam?" I questioned obviously confused.

"You and those boys! I'm fucking sick of them! I can't take this anymore!"


That's it for chapter 16! Fan/ Vote/ Comment and let me know what you think! :) -Devan 

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