Chapter 14- Welcome Back Father

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2 weeks later

Petra's POV

Yesterday was... eventful. I never thought Eren could look so dead eyed, but as soon as Levi hugged him he crumbled. Oluo ended up apologising to me and asked me to go on a date with him so I did. We are currently eating dinner at the Shard in London.

''Petra I'm sorry for everything I did my Alpha senses are being really weird recently and I keep getting the feeling something bad is going to happen.''

''Oluo you've apologised to me at least a hundred times now. Stop. I forgive you. And I'm sure whatever you're feeling is nothing.'' I gave him a sweet smile as we finished eating and got the bill. Oluo held out his hand to me I took it and he led me to the elevator. When the doors opened he led me out and onto a balcony overlooking all of London. I leant on the banister it wobbled a bit but I didn't pay any mind to it.

''Oh wow Oluo this view is amazing!'' He put his arm around me.

''Just like you.'' I laughed and blushed.

''Oh shush you.''


''Yes?'' Oluo got down on one knee and brought out a ring, covered my mouth in shock.

''I know I'm not the best mate ever but I have always loved everything about. I don't think I could live without you therefore would you do me the honour of being forever mine, and marry me?'' I jumped up and down nodding me head. He put the ring on my finger.

Oluo's POV

I slid the ring onto her finger and then hugged her, but I accidently tripped and we both fell onto the banister behind us. But the banister wasn't fixed and my eyes widened as it busted of the wall and we fell off the building. I realised this was it and so did Petra. I held her tight and we told each other we loved each other for the final time. Then we hit the ground, but we felt no pain.

Levi's POV

I was cuddling in my bed with Eren snuggled into my side. We were binge watching the Walking Dead on Netflix on my TV. Eren's stomach rumbled.

''Shit we haven't had dinner. Sorry Eren are you hungry?''

''Hmm oh n-no.''

''Eren if I'm going to help you overcome this I need you to be honest with me. Okay?'' I kissed his forehead.

''Okay... Yes I am hungry.''

''What do you fancy?''

''I don't mind you choose.'' I look at the clock to see it was 9pm.

''We could order Chinese? Do you think you could eat that?''

''I can try.''

''I will order us some then.'' I went to pick my phone up and just as I picked it up it rung. It was Hanji. I accepted to call.

''Hanji why are you calling this late?'' I heard Hanji sobbing through the phone.

''Wow Hanji why are you crying?''

''I-It's Petra and O-Oluo. They went to the shard for a date and a banister was lose and...and...they fell off.'' Hanji burst into tears and I just sat there in shock. Eren shook me.

''Levi what's wrong?''

''It's Petra and Oluo... they're dead...'' Eren looked at me wide eyed.

''W-What... No they can't be!'' I dropped my phone and hugged Eren. We both cried in each other's arms. In the end Hanji ended the call and we both cried ourselves to sleep.

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