Chapter 2- Bonjour Sir

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Eren's POV

I arrived at school to see my friends standing next to the gate over to them and say hi. My friends all said hi back then went back to their own conversations. They all have mates apart from me. Mikasa is with Annie, Jean is with Marco, Connie is with Sasha, Ymir is with Krista, Reiner is with Bertoldt and Armin is with our Law Teacher Mr Smith. So everyone has their mate apart from me, yeah it gets lonely but I have always been.

The bell went for class so I checked my timetable for today. English with Mrs Ral, Science with Ms Hanji, Maths with Mr Bozado, PE with Mr Gin and Mr Schultz, French with... a Mr Ackerman? And finally Art with Mr Zacharias and Mrs. Nanaba. I'm guessing Mr Ackerman is the new teacher. I made my way to English greeted Mrs Ral and sat down ready for boredom.

Time Skip

It's finally French, my favourite lesson after Art of course. I walk in, early as usual, and sit down not looking up. Students started piling in and the teacher began to speak.

''Bon après-midi gosses. Mon nom est M. Ackerman, je suis votre nouveau professeur de français.'' (Good afternoon brats. My name is Mr Ackerman, I'm your new French Teacher.) The whole class muttered to each other in confusion, I just laughed. Mr Ackerman must have heard because he said,

''Quel est si drôle gamin aux cheveux bruns?'' (What is so funny brown haired brat?) I knew he was talking to me so I made direct eye contact with him, I felt a spark go through me but I just ignored it.

''Je ris du fait que ces idiots ne savent pas ce que vous êtes en disant.'' (I'm laughing at the fact that these idiots don't know what you're saying.) His eyes widened as I spoke fluent French to him, the whole class was silent.

''Pa mal gamin.'' (Not bad brat.) He smirked. A student put their hand up.

''Oui?'' (Yes)

''Sorry Sir but what are you two saying?'' He sighed.

''I'll introduce myself in English then, because clearly only one of you knows French. I'm Mr Ackerman your new French Teacher. Now I'm doing the register so tais-toi.'' (Shut up)

Time Skip

''Right everyone you are dismissed and don't forget your homework for next lesson.'' Everyone started to pack away and leave. I was about to walk out the door but Mr Ackerman called for me,

''Pas toi gamin aux cheveux bruns.'' (Not you brown haired brat.)

''J'ai un mon tu sais.'' (I have a name you know.)

''Illumin-moi alors.'' (Enlighten me then.)

''Eren, Eren Yeager.''

''Enchanté de faire votre connaissance, Eren Yeager. Puis-je dire que vous avez les plus beaux yeux que j'ai jamais vus.'' (Pleased to meet you, Eren Yeager. May I say you have the prettiest eyes I have ever seen.) I blushed as he held out his hand to me, I shook it feeling that spark again. My eyes widened and so did his.

''Mate.'' We said in unison.

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