Chapter 21- The Trial

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Eren's POV

I woke up in Levi's arms he was stroking my hair smiling at me.

''Hello Baby. Sleep well?'' I hummed.

''How are you feeling?''

''It doesn't hurt as much anymore.'' I point down at myself.

''That's good Baby. Hey Eren?'' I hummed again.

''I love you.'' I smiled.

''I love you too.'' Levi nuzzled into my neck and sniffed my scent sighing in content.

''I'm sorry Eren...'' I gave him a confused look.

''Why are you sorry?''

''I shot Grisha.'' I chuckled lightly.

''Oh silly I don't care! That bastard deserved it after... what he did...'' I gave him a sad smile and he hugged me tightly.

''Eren can I ask you something?'' I hummed.

''Depending on how the court trial with Grisha goes you're Mum wouldn't be threatened by him anymore so.... Would you like to move in with me?'' I gave him a wide smile and nodded quickly.

''Yes yes yes! I'd love that Levi!'' I tackled him in a hug making him laugh. He rubbed my back in soothing motion.

1 Week Later

Today is the day of my Dad's trial. I'm terrified of seeing his face again. My Mum and I have only just recovered from him hitting us with a bat. Somehow he didn't break any of my bones just bruised me badly. Levi has been really sweet to me. He's really gentle with me and doesn't make any sudden movements, so I don't get startled. He also asked my Mum about me moving in with him and she was both overjoyed and sad. I reassured her that I would be in good hands and that we would visit often.

I haven't been to school for a while but my friends have all come to see me. Armin was understanding and comforted me. Mikasa was extremely pissed off with my Dad and Levi, because he didn't kill him. However I told her Levi did the right thing as I would rather he be paying for his crimes while alive than him be dead. That means he gets punishment on Earth then an eternity of punishment in hell. They all just laughed at me.

''Babe you ready?'' Levi wrapped his arms around my waist.

''Ready as I'll ever be I guess...'' I sighed and he kissed my neck making me squeak.

''If you want to leave at any time just tell me and we will go okay?'' I nodded.

''I can sense your scared Eren. It will be okay. I'll be there the whole time, so will Carla and Mikasa and Armin. He can't even get anyway near you, let alone touch you.'' I hummed and turned into his chest, breathing in his calming scent.

''I love you Levi thank you for everything.''

''Anything for you. I love you too Eren.''

My Mum walked in and gave us a sad smile.

''It's time Honey...'' I nodded and Levi took my hand leading me to his car.

Time Skip

We walked in the court room. I spotted Mikasa and Armin sitting down and we went over to them. They saw us and ran to give me and my Mum and hug. More people started coming in and we sat down. Levi grabbed my hand and released tons of calming pheromones for me. I leaned on his shoulder and he put his free arm around me. We both didn't say a word. We didn't need to. Just being in each other's presence is enough for us.

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