Chapter 11- Tell Me Everything

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Eren's POV

When we arrived at Levi's house I was astonished. His house was a beautiful French style house.

 His house was a beautiful French style house

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It was massive and beautiful.

''Wow your house is amazing Levi!'' He laughed and he wrapped his arm around my waist.

''Tout comme toi alors bébé.'' (Just like you then Baby.)

''Oh shush you big flirt.'' He chuckled then led me into his house. It was even more beautiful inside, and very clean obviously.

''Would you like anything to drink Honey?''

''Uh just water please.''

Levi's POV


I nodded and got him his water. I started to boil the kettle and make myself tea. I turned to Eren. I really wanted to talk to him about his Bulimia, like what he can eat and what caused it stuff like that. But I didn't think this was the best time. I must have been letting of a conflicting scent because I saw Eren's nose twitch and then gave me a worried look.

''You okay Levi?''

''I don't think I should ask... It's not really a good time to ask.''

''You tell me anything Baby.'' I sighed.

''I wanted to ask you about your Bulimia.'' His eyes looked down into his cup.

''It's okay if you don't want to.'' I poured out my tea then sat next to him putting my hand on his thigh.

''I can't escape it forever ask away.''

''What can you eat, like without being sick?''

''I don't really know to be honest. It seems like anything makes me feel sick and large quantities of anything, food or drink, makes me sick. I found the only thing I can drink, with 100% guarantee of not throwing up, is water.''

''Okay so how did you get it?''

''Oh u-um I used to make myself sick a lot to help me lose weight...''

''But why? Your body is perfect.''

He chuckled nervously.

''That's the problem no matter what I tell you it branch into another thing I have to explain about myself...'' I grabbed his hand.

''So tell me everything. No lies. No leaving anything out. I want to know everything about you. And in return I will tell you everything about me.'' I gave him a smile which he returned.

''Okay from the start?'' I nodded and he took a sharp breath in.

''This is gonna take a while I'm pretty fucked up.''

''I don't care how long it takes. Take as much time as you need.''

Eren's POV

''Well it the beginning of my life was great. I lived in Germany with my Mum and Dad and my Nan and Grandad a lived on the same street. The lighthouse I drew, My Grandad used to take me there a lot. I loved it there. My grandparents were the first people I told I was gay. They accepted me instanly. I was so confident that I told my parents and my Mum accepted me, just like my grandparents. My Dad however... he didn't. He shouted at me and my Mum and my grandparents tried to reason with him but he didn't listen.

He hated me from that day on. When my grandparents were around he would never touch me. He acted like we were the 'perfect family' but behind closed doors he... b-beat me. My Mum tried to get in the way but she would just get shouted at and knocked unconscious most days, then he continue with me. My grandparents died when I was 15. We moved to France for 6 months. It was amazing and I loved it there. But like everything else all good things have to come to an end. My Dad moved us to England, because he never liked France. I left the little friends I had. When we got to England I made friends with Armin and Mikasa. We were amazing friends. And we would always play in that river I drew. I even fell in once and my Dad wasn't happy. They didn't know what went on at home. My dad got more and more violent. He started to deal with drugs, alcohol and gambling. He came home most nights drunk and would beat my mum. I stood in his way and he would normally get his... bat and mess me up bad. It was either that or he would force me to take drugs, drink or smoke or he would make feel like shit about myself. He poisoned the house with his drugs and cigarettes as well.

I used to cut myself a lot. I slipped away from socializing. I put on a mask for my friends. It made me depressed to see them happy with their mates and I was all alone. It got to the point where I just couldn't take life anymore. I came every day to abuse and slowly killing myself. My Dad would call me names and make fun of me. Calling me a worthless Omega, a whore, a disgrace and... fat. So I stopped eating, I stopped caring. Anything I ate I would throw up, willingly, after. I wanted to give up but I continued for my Mum, so I could protect her.

When I was 16 my Dad came home but he wasn't drunk. He beat my Mum till she was unconscious so I stepped in and he got his bat and just kept hitting me. I prayed it would kill me but I woke up to my Mum shaking me with tears running down her face. She said she almost lost me. My dad never came home after that. But his destruction of our family didn't stop.

His gambling and drugs and the fact he never paid a single bill landed my Mum and I in tons of debt. The drug dealer he used to deal with came to our house all the time demanding money. We tried to tell them my Dad disappeared but they never listened. And like the horrible people they, tried to... rape my Mum but I stopped them. They did... it to me instead. But I recovered and I got a job with long hours and little pay. A week ago I fainted on the job due a combination of hardly any sleep and not eating. My Mum threatened to sue so I got a month off. I wasn't sleeping because I was studying to get better grades so I could get a good job to help my Mum. I also stayed up after my Mum had gone to sleep and clean up around the house. I just help my Mum in any way possible.

But about three month ago everything got too much. I was diagnosed with so many things, Anxiety, PTSD, Depression and Bulimia. The doctors also told me I had severe anger issues and that I was a threat to myself. I was loaded up on pills to 'help' but they just made it worse. Well a month after that I proved them right about me being a threat to myself. I wrote a letter to my Mum and I downed every pill I had. Unfortunately my Mum apparently walked in on me lying on the floor surrounded by empty pill boxes and I was foaming at the mouth and she said she was terrified. But somehow she managed to save me.

My Mum read my note I blamed myself for everything with my Dad and I said that I was alone because everyone had a mate and I didn't. She kept a very watchful eye on me. I pretended to get better for her. But I know she can tell my Bulimia is coming back. I know you told her about that stuff. I'm not mad.

I know she's very happy I have finally found you. She feels like I can finally relax and be happy. And I can now that I have finally found you.'' I had been avoiding eye contact with Levi the whole time. But I finally looked up at him and he was crying. I gasped and embraced him.

''Don't cry please I'm fine now I have you.'' I smiled at him and he smiled back. And wiped the tears from his eyes.

''Your Mum told me some stuff. But I didn't know it was that bad. Baby... I love you.''

''I love you too my wonderful, amazing Alpha.'' I rested my forehead on mine and he chuckled.

''I guess it's my turn then...''

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