Chapter 1- What a Wonderful Life

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Eren's POV

I sat on the hill behind the school blasting my music at full volume. I sighed as felt the wind blowing through my hair. I'm Eren Yeager. I'm a 17 year old Omega. I go to Maria College and I live with my Mum, Carla. My Dad, Grisha, left us when I was 16. Not that I miss him I can't even call him Dad. He's a woman beating, child abuser and a downright monster.


''Dad! Please not again!'' I stared up at my Dad in fear as he raised a bat ready to hit me. I could see my Mum in the corner of the room, slummed down barely conscious.

''G-Grisha... please do whatever you want to me... but don't harm our child!''

He growled, ''Shut up woman! He is no child of mine. No son of mine is a fag!''

End of Flashback

I shivered at the memory of that day. That was the day my Dad left. He got drunk, beat us then he left and never came back, not that I care. I turned off my music, unplugged my headphones and started to walk home.

Time Skip

I opened the front to my house and realised no lights were on. I walked into the living room to see my Mum asleep on the sofa, with paperwork all over the place. My Mum works as a lawyer, and contrary to popular belief, she doesn't earn as much as most people think lawyers do.

But hell she's very good at what she does. I smile at her, grab a blanket and pull it over her, deciding not to wake her. She hardly keeps any sleep anyway. I walk into the kitchen and start to make dinner for us.

Time Skip

I just finished making dinner and setting the table and my Mum walked in, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

''Ah Eren your home...''

She looked at the table and gave me a sad smile.

''And you have already made dinner... *sigh* I'm sorry Honey that's the fourth time this week.''

''Its fine Mum you were sleeping. I didn't want to disturb you. Come on let's eat.''

We sat down; beginning to eat. I felt sick after one bite, but I powered through to show my Mum I was getting better. I wasn't really I throw it all up later anyway, but oh well.

''So how was school?''

''The same as usual, boring classes and the same people. Although there are rumours that a new French teacher is coming soon.''

''Ooo sounds interesting.''

''Yeah I guess.''

She must have noticed the sad tone I had, because she gave me a worried look.

''Honey, are you okay?''

''I was thinking about the day... Dad left earlier.''


The room went silent.

''So how is the latest case going?''

''Hmm... Oh um good.''

''What's it on?''

''A woman got assaulted by a man, simple stuff really.''

''So why all the paperwork then?''

Her eyes widened slightly. Ha caught her.

''Oh it's just paperwork from... work.''

''Mum. Tell the truth.'' She sighed

''Fine. Its bills and debt forms.''

''How bad?''

''Pretty bad... ha your Father really screwed us over.''

I could see tears forming in her eyes, I got up and hugged her tight. She cried into my shoulder.

''I'm sorry I can't give you a good life Eren.''

''Shh... we'll get through this together. I'm turning 18 soon I can get a full time job and I have my part time job now.''

''No Eren you go out and live your childhood.''

''Mum I've never had a childhood with a... Father like that.''

I could see the pain in my Mum's eyes as I said that, she knew it was true.

''Let's get you to bed then it's getting late and you need to get some rest.''

''No I'll clear up here you go upstairs and relax, you've already done enough for me. No arguing.''

There was no arguing with my Mum when she had made up her mind, that's why she made such a good lawyer.

''Fine, night Mum love ya.''

I gave her a kiss on the cheek.

''Goodnight Sweetie I love you too.''

I smiled at her then went up to my room and did homework till I heard my Mum go to sleep. I sighed and went downstairs and started to clean the house. My Mum never knew I did this but she was always confused about how the house stayed so clean.

When I finished I went to the bathroom throwing everything up. I had held it in till my Mum had gone to sleep so she had no chance of walking in on me. I sunk to the floor and sighed.

''Fuck this sucks.'' I got up feeling slightly dizzy. I went back to my room to finish my homework and revision. It's my exams in a couple months and I need straight A's to get a good job to help my Mum. She'd kill me if she knew I did all this. I continue doing this until I'm finished then deciding on doing some art. I drew my Mum.

 I drew my Mum

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People say I'm really talented but I think it's just average. I hear my mum starting to get up and I look over at my clock 6 am. I did another all-nighter, but I wasn't tired. I cleared up my stuff and pretended to be asleep. My Mum came in and opened my curtains.

''Rise and shine Sweetie. Breakfast will be ready in 15 minutes.''

I rolled out my bed and put on a green shirt and a black leather jacket with black skinny jeans and brown combat boots. I look at myself in the mirror. I see my fat body staring back.

''Ugh I'm not eating for the rest of the week.''

I go and brush my teeth and wash my face, then make my way downstairs to see my Mum eating pancakes. I sit in front of her and start to eat mine. Once again feeling sick. I saw my Mum glance at her watch, her eyes going wide. It was 6:30, my Mum starts at 7 with a 45 minute drive.

''Shit! I'm gonna be late. Sorry I couldn't eat with you Honey.'' She started grabbing her stuff then kissed my cheek.

''Have a great day at school Hun.'' And she left, I sighed and got up throwing the rest of my food away and clearing up.

''Thank god I won't have to throw up now.'' I grabbed my stuff and went to school.

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