Chapter 24: A Secret Is Revealed [Part 2]

Start from the beginning

"Well, I can tell you that her first period class is British Literature in room 256. But other than that, I have absolutely no idea."

"That's okay." He smiled. "Thanks for the help."

"No problem." I yelled before he had a chance to walk away. Jace was giving me a look.

"What? Why are you staring?"

"You seriously don't know where Lina is? Are we in another dimension?" He looked up, while doing a 360 turn.

"Uh, no?" I asked him, in a confused state.

"You guys are like inseparable. It's like you guys are the twins instead of Mason. How do you not know where Lina is?" He asked me.

"Because I don't. This was the one time I genuinely don't know where she is." I shrugged. "What's with the interrogation?"

"It's seem a bit off today? Is everything okay in Lia Land?" He smacked my cheek multiple times.

I ripped his hand off my face. "Okay first, Lia Land is not a thing. And second, everything is totally, absolutely fine." I confirmed, but yet I wasn't sure if he believed me.

"What's with the snappiness? Did someone put bitch in your fruit loops?" I heard Cole say behind my shoulder. I turned around and the two boys were standing, towering over me. I could barely see the people walking the hallways, that's how tall they were.

"No?" I answered, confused.

"Is everything okay?" Cole asked. "You seem different."

"I. Am. Fine. What is with people interrogating me? I didn't get a lot of sleep, that's all." I told them once more, not wanting to go in depth anymore.

"Okay, prove it." He took at step towards me.

"Where was my 13th birthday party held at?"

How the hell was I supposed to know that?

"What?" Was all I said.

"She wasn't there, you dumb fuck." Jace rolled his eyes.

"Oh, right." Cole scratched the back of his head. "Okay how about this."

"Who is Olaf?" Cole asked, and I breathed out harshly.

"Seriously, Cole? He's the snowman from Frozen."

"Welp, she seems fine to me." He turns around about to walk away before Jace stopped him and spun him around.

"What the fuck, man? What kind of questions were those? Why couldn't you just ask her what she did last night that made her not get a lot of sleep?"

"Oh. Well...what did you do last night that made you not get a lot of sleep?" He asked me and I nearly face palmed.

I blew a raspberry with my lips. "I just had a lot of homework. Plus, I have an anatomy test. Which I have to review in first period before the bell rings sooo..." I gestured for them to leave.

They both nodded and walked away from me. Finally, I have some peace and quiet. Now I have time to think. 

What will I say to Andrew if I seen him in the hallway? Should I avoid him? Probably. Considering he has access to a gun.

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