Chapter One

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The cold air brushed over my face as I stepped out into the wetness of the street. My umbrella flapped from side to side when the wind grew harder and stronger but I tightened my grip around the handle and almost had to battle with the object to not fly away into the morning sky.

The streets were filled with bustling teenagers and adults, window-shopping and their cackles filled the air around me. A small smile played on my lips when I realized how much I missed the familiar town. Litter laid on the roads while uncaring teens threw their empty milkshake bottles and McDonald's boxes over their shoulders without a second thought. School uniforms still on, they walked around the town area with their group of friends – enjoying every moment of their break from the torturous hell of school.

I wrapped my coat around when the rain began to pelt down from the sky and I watched as everyone tried to run and huddle under the shelter of the shops. Strange glances were being thrown my way for still walking but after so many months of being away, I relished in the fresh feeling the outside brought. Dark clouds lined the sky above me and it cast a murky shadow over everything, but it set a nice atmosphere, especially after being in the sun for nearly an entire year. Dim streetlamps flickered on and off – only adding to the eeriness of the shadowy alleys and paths.

My phone started to buzz in my pocket and I fished it out and smiled when the familiar name popped up on the screen.

"Étienne! Where the hell are you, man?"

"I'm nearly there," I promised with a laugh, "Just enjoying the rain while I walk."

Milo Harris had been my best friend since we were kids. With our parents being close, naturally, we spent a lot of time together too. He was more of the out-going type than I was, but somehow, we clicked. I tended to linger in his shadow, but I didn't mind letting the attention shower down on him. He liked basking in it and I preferred staying a little more hidden.

Coincidentally, I managed to book my flight back to Ireland on his twenty-third birthday. Only a few people knew I was coming home today – the rest I wanted to surprise later on. I had dropped my luggage at my parents' house and told them I would be back later after meeting everyone again.

"Hurry up, you can enjoy the rain another day. You know what it's like here anyway," he replied and I knew he was probably rolling his eyes on the other line.

"Okay, okay!" I smiled, "I'll see you in two minutes. I'm just heading up by Debenham's."

The line clicked shut and I wiped away a few droplets of rain that had dripped down on the screen and shoved it back inside my pocket. Fastening my pace, I winced when a sudden gust of wind blew – nearly forcing me back on to the ground. I debated on whether even trying to hold an umbrella was useful – all it seemed to be doing was desperately flinging itself from left to right in an attempt to let loose.

"Shit," I muttered under my breath and breathed a sigh of relief when the coffee-shop came into view. I folded the bent umbrella over and ran the last few steps up to the door, exhaling when a warm gust of air fanned my face as I stepped inside. Soft music played over the speakers and I smiled when I realized that this place hadn't changed at all in the past year. Every table was still in the same position – bright colours donned the walls and the workers all had grins on their faces while they worked. It was a family-run shop and it was why a lot of people liked to come here – it offered a sense of comfort that other places didn't.

I wiped my feet on the mat and shuffled my way further inside, scanning the place for one familiar face. There, at the very back sat Milo. He looked up when the door banged shut behind me and immediately jumped up from the table and made his way over to me with open arms. Interestingly, he changed a lot over the course of the year. I wasn't someone who was naturally tall and Milo had definitely grown more so that he all-but towered over me. His blonde hair was cut and jelled back a little and a light beard lined the perimeters of his face. I blinked at the silver earring that suddenly flashed me under the bright lights but didn't get another second to think before his arms engulfed me in a bear-tight hug.

With Love, Étienne | ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora