Can we make this work?(One Direction Fan fic.)*Edited*

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Hi guys! Thank you so much for reading this! Before I start this book, I just want to say, that I do not know One Direction personally. So if anything is wrong, Its because i don't really know them.And if there are any British terms that are wrong, it's because i'm American, not British(even though I would love to be.). And all the events are not true. So anything(except one thing in Book 2) are false. They do not happen. And lastly, I own none of 1D,or any of the real people in this book. This is all from my imagination. Well..... I hope you enjoy! XXXX




"Shane? Can you come down here a minute?"My mum called.

I sighed and walked down the stairs. When I got to the kitchen I saw my mum sitting with two people.

"What's going on?"I asked.

"Shane, this is Edward Styles and his son Harry."Mum said.

"HI." I muttered as I sat down.

"I'm afraid I have some bad news. I have to go on a business trip. I'm going to Milan."she said.

My mum was fashion editor. Which meant she traveled a lot!

I used to go with her.But as I got older I couldn't. I spent most of my time with my friends at their houses while she was gone.

"I talked it over with Edward and he said you can stay with him while I'm away." she replied.

."How long are you going to be gone this time?"

"Two Years."she replied.

My heart sank. I'll be away from my mum for two years.

She's never been gone this long. When I was younger she said that she'll never be gone longer than a few weeks. But I guess all the time alone mad me more distant to everyone.

"When are you leaving?" I whispered.

"Tonight. You're leaving tonight as well. You will be living with Harry and his roommate, Louis." She said looking at Harry.

"Will I get mobbed by all of your fans?" I ask.

"Most Likely. "he replied.

"Can't I just stay here? Stay with Kai or something?" I whined.

"You can't stay with Kai. I wont allow it."she said in a stern tone.

"Why?"I asked.

"I don't trust him." she calmly replied.

"How can you not trust him?!" I yelled.

"Each time you were gone I stayed with him! Now all of a sudden you don't trust him?"

"This time is different. I've known Edward since High school. I've known Harry since he was born. Hes very trustworthy."

"Hes a flirt. His last girlfriend was 14 years older than him! No offense Harry." I said.

"I trust them more than Kai." she sighed.I groaned and walked out the door.

The last thing I heard was my mother calling after me. I felt tears coming down my face.

It was raining and I didn't even bother getting an umbrella.

I let the tears and the rain drops mix together. My clothes were soaked. I ran to the park that was down the street. I got out my IPhone and dialed Kai.

"Hello?"he answered.

"Kai, I really need you right now."I said.

"Where are you?"he asked.

"The Park."

About five minutes later, I saw Kai's car pull up and him get out.

He ran over to me and wrapped me in his arms. I've always loved Kai. As a brother and a little more. It was home for me.

"Whats going on Shane?" he asked.

We went back to his car to get out of the rain.

"I'm leaving." I said.

"Where to?" he asked.

"London." I replied.


"Tonight. My mother is sending me with one of her friends and his son. I'll be living with the son and his roomie."I answered.

We sat there in silence looking at each other. Savoring every second of each others company. I saw him start to lean in.

I did the same.

Soon, I felt his warm breath on my lips.

Then I closed the gap.

Can we make this work?(One Direction Fan fic.)(Book 1)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now