~Klance~ A Letter from Beyond

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     Hello and welcome to my Various Fandom one shot book! Updates may or my not be frequent, depends on how much I feel like writing. I'm not taking requests as of now but, in the future, we'll see.

    What better way to start out a new book than with angst? Right?



Italics: Lance's writing

Keith's P.O.V.

 I'm sitting in the lounge room of the Castle of Lions, stunned.  Everyone's eyes are puffy and red from crying but mine.  The information hasn't processed yet and I don't want it to.  I don't want to accept that he's gone.  That I'll never see him again.  That I never told him.  That no matter how many times I replayed the ordeal in my head I couldn't find a way to save him.  To stop the beam.  To-

 My mind goes blank as I start to comprehend what has happened.  Lance is gone... He's gone!  He'll never make another horrible pun, never flirt, never smile, never see his family, never argue with me, never lighten the mood, never comment on my 'stupid mullet', never wake up again...  I don't want to believe it.  I regester a tear slipping down my cheek, then another, then another, until there is a steady stream of tears flowing down my cheeks and dropping onto my gloved hands.

 A long while of tears falling and sobs from multiple people echoing in the room before anyone can manage to say anything.  Pidge removed herself from Shiro's gentle hug, wiping the wetness off her cheeks, and excused herself saying something about fixing Blue.  We all know she's just embarassed about crying in front of us and is going somewhere she deems safe to cry some more.  Shiro sighs, looking longingly at his now empty arms, an emptyness Lance would have hurried to fill the moment Pidge left.  We really were like a big family but now we're missing an important member.

 Shiro moves from his spot and sits next to Allura who has once again gone into hysterics.  Coran and Shiro try to comfort her as she goes on and on about how she could have and should have done something or another to save Lance.  She eventually tires and falls asleep while hugging Shiro tightly.  Shiro picks her up and begins to carry her to her room but, not before encouraging Hunk, Coran, and I to get some rest.  Coran reluctantly goes to his room as he is barely able to keep his eyes open.

 I don't know how long Hunk and I sit in silence before he speaks up.  "You loved him, didn't you?" it sounds more like a statement than a question.  I laugh through tears, though there's no humor behind it. "Still do."  Hunk opens his arms to me, beconing me into a hug.  I'm too disoriented from crying to care about not really liking having other people in my personal space to refuse.  A Hunk hug will definately give me the comfort I need.  

 I throw myself into his arms and begin to sob hystarically.  Hunk pets my head and tries his best to make me feel some better but, I can tell he's crying too.  After we both calm down, Hunk says, "He loved you too, ya know?"

  "I wish that idiot had told me."

  "He tried so many times, Keith.  He always chickened out though."

  "If only he knew how many times I did the same thing."

  "Lance told me, should anything happen to him, there's a letter for you in his dresser drawer."

  "Thanks Hunk. Try to get some sleep."

  "I make no promises."


  "Goodnight, Keith"

     I stand and stumble off to Lance's room, lightheaded from the amount of tears I've shed.  The door opens with a 'Whoosh' and I flip the lights on, registering the door closing behind me.  His room is cleaner than I thought it would be but, there were certain things Lance was particular about.  I guess the cleanliness of his room was one of them.  I turn toward the dresser and walk to it, stopping just short of it when I see a note ontop of it. It reads:

     Dear Keith,

     I had a feeling something would happen to me today.  Sorry, I probably didn't get to say goodbye.  If you're here that means A) Hunk told you about the letter prematurely or B) I'm dead.  In the case of the latter, it's in the top lefthand drawer.


    He knew something was going to happen to him and he didn't say anything?!  Why?  We could have saved him!

     I immediately reach for the top lefthand drawer of the dresser and pull out a notebook.  I flip through a few pages that had thing written on them in letter form but, in Spanish.  I soon see a page with the corner turned over and flip to it.  It's a letter, written in English, addressed to me.     

 Dear Keith,     

     I'm sorry to have left you like this, (probably) without so much as a goodbye.  I guess I'm kind of an idiot for telling you this after I died but, I love you.  I've had a crush on you since we met at the garrison (even though you didn't remember me).  You are everything I aspired to be.  The rivalry I made up, it was never about being better than you.  I just wanted to impress you, make you see me.  All the flirting?  Partially my personality, partially to make you jealous. 

    I was thrilled when we became friends but, my heart longed for something more.  I can't tell you how many vargas I spent thinking of it, of us as something more.  I tried so many times to confess to you but I always chickened out.  Sorry 'bout that, buddy.  I love you with all my heart and have no doubt that if I were alive, I would love you till the end of my days.

    Please tell Hunk that he's my best friend and not to be too sad.  Also, tell him to ask Shay out, they are made for each other. I can tell.

    Tell Pidge not to miss her Space Brother too much and to keep inventing cool things!

     Tell Shiro that he is an amazing leader, he has no need to doubt that.  If I died in battle, tell him it wasn't his fault. Actually, reassure the whole team it wasn't their faults. Yes, Keith, that means you too.

     Tell Allura that I'm sorry for being so annoying and that she is an amazing person.  

    Tell Coran that he is a very compassionate and patient person.  He was there for me to talk to when others of you couldn't be and was a joy and comfort to be around.  He is also a very good storyteller. Let him tell you about Altea sometime, Keith, it sounds beautiful.

    Mi Amour, don't be as hard on yourself as you always are.  Don't train yourself to exhaustion.  You tend to do that a lot.  You and that mullet of yours are beautiful.  I love you.  I love your determination and strength; your vulnerability and sympathy; your hot and cold personality; I love you, Keith. And I love that we were fire and ice.  We were so different but, cold balance each other out perfectly.  Okay, nearly perfectly! But we tried, didn't we?!

    Te Amo, Mi Corazón <3

                         Love, Lance McClain 

    P.S. I do remember the 'bonding moment' <3

    A tear drop falls onto the paper in my hands.  All that time, he loved me, even when I didn't remember him.  I can't imagine how much that hurt him or the amount of other hurtful things I said.  And now I don't get the chance to correct any of it.  He's gone and nothing, not even Allura's magic, can bring him back. 

    I set the paper down on the dresser and sink to my knees on the floor.  I cry openly like that for what seems like hours on end.  Eventually, my eyes get too heavy and I fall to the floor, passing out due to exhaustion.  

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