jhs | Colors Of The Wind

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Where you're born with a black stain on your skin where your soulmate will first touch you. It will burst into a moving bundle of color when they do and will settle to a single color after a few days.

~ ~ ~ ~

It was a sunny but cold day, marking the beginnings of autumn. People walked up and down the streets, coats covering their shivering skin as the wind blew past.

Hood up, tinted circle-framed sunglasses on, and a face mask under his chin, Jung Hoseok made his way to the dance studio to practice. A backpack thumped against his hip every time he took a step as he hummed the beginnings of a song he was working on.

Instinctively rubbing his right wrist where his soulmate mark resided, Hoseok's mind instantly focused on his soulmate. When would he meet them? How would their meeting play out? Would they dance with him?

I hope they dance with me...

As these thoughts ran through his mind, Hobi didn't even notice the large dog in front of him chasing a squirrel. Nor did he notice he was about to walk straight into him.

- - - - -

"Kkum, slow down! And stop chasing every squirrel you see!"

Tugging slightly on the leash I held in my hand, the dog at the other end turned to look at me. Heterochromatic eyes begged me to let him chase the squirrels in front of him, but I refused him with my gaze. Turning again with his head down, my wolfdog slowed to a walk as we continued down the sidewalk.

A cool breeze blew past us as people enjoyed the early morning sun. My wolfdog Kkum and I went along our normal route before I got my much needed morning coffee and went to work. As usual, a lot of people stopped to pet the wolfdog, most of them being little children who'd latch onto his neck and hug him like a teddy bear. It was cute and it always happened every morning, and thankfully Kkum didn't engage in anymore squirrel-chasing.

Enjoying the mostly peaceful walk as the sun slowly rose from it's low position in the sky, my thinking wandered to the black hand mark on my right wrist. I smiled at the thought of what color it would settle to and how beautiful it would look as it burst to life with color.

The daydreaming continued for a good 10 minutes until I felt the leash in my hand fall limp. Figuring Kkum just had to pee or something, I stood to the side and waited for him. Instead of the subtle tug I was expecting, my arm was almost yanked out of its socket as my wolfdog did what I specifically told him not to.

He was chasing a squirrel.

Stumbling after his swift paws, I attempted to not fall on my face as Kkum barked after the tree rodent. Knowing full-well from past experiences that he wasn't going to stop until it was up a tree, I held tightly onto the leash as to not lose him.

Thankfully most of the people we passed by knew to move before Kkum knocked them off their feet. A few narrowly escaped being trampled by the wolfdog and would glare daggers into my back as we zoomed away. But there was one, in particular, I didn't even notice until it was too late.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2018 ⏰

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