First Day Of Fall

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SRAR Pete and Patrick era

     Today is the first day of fall, mostly known as the season before it gets cold. Ugh, I hope it's not cold. Suddenly, my phone buzzed loudly, signaling that I got a text. I open my phone to read it. "Hey, Patrick? Can you come over to my house, please?" It was my best friend, Pete. I wonder why he wanted me to come over. I hope there isn't anything wrong.

     As I was walking up to Pete's house, I got a dark and lonely feeling. Like as if Pete wasn't okay. I started walking faster and faster until it turned into running. My anxiety grows larger and larger almost to the point of tears. Is he okay? I knocked on the door, hoping he would answer.

     "Patrick? What's wrong?" Pete's eyes turned from happy to concerned in about a blink of an eye. "Are you okay? I just got really worried and scared that there was something wrong with you and-" Pete cuts me off. "Patrick.. Don't worry..I'm fine, just worried about you." He goes down to my height. "Are you okay?" Pete's eyes were full of worry. "I-I don't even know anymore.." I looked down the floor, trying to hide tears. "Hey, I wanna tell you something, but I'm afraid you'll get mad and not be my friend anymore. So, may I ask you?" he says in a calming voice. I nodded my head. "I love you..and not like in the best friend way, but in the boyfriend way.. I love you so much, that it kinda hurts when I'm not with you. So, do you love me back?" Pete asked, face a deep strawberry red. My face turns the same color.  "Yes, Pete. I do love you..and I feel the same way." I blushed. Suddenly, we're leaning in towards each other's faces, then, we kissed. I blushed as we were doing so. "Wanna go make out?" Pete asked. "Sure, whatever." I replied.

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