Summer Rescue

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     Me and Pete were hanging out near the ocean. "The water is so pretty..." Pete sighed in awe. "Hey Trick? Wanna go swimming?" He asked. "Sure!" I replied. "Whoever is last to the water is a a rotten egg!!! Haha!" Pete laughed, leaving me behind. "Hey, wait up!" I yell, running. We both jumped into the water.We were swimming as fast as ever. "I'm faster than you!" Pete yells. "I bet I could be faster!" I replied. We both laughed and laughed. Pete even held my hand. I blushed a little bit. Suddenly, while underwater, I became a mermaid for no reason. "Uhh, Pete?" I ask, confused. "Hmm?" He dived under, and looked over at me. " I don't think this is it?" I added, awkwardly. "Whoa!" Pete said, in awe. "Cool!" He bubbled. His face turned a little red. Pete was staring at me, and couldn't stop, like he was in a trance kinda. "No, Pete! Swim up! Your gonna drown!" I warned. He was still in awe. "Pete!" I yelled. Suddenly, Pete started to struggle. "Hmmf....glubbb, h-help....." His face started to turn a dark red, slowly fading to blue. His hands flew up to his mouth. "Hmmf...hmmff..glubb...*grunt*" He gasped for air. "*gasp* help....I'm drowning.." He blacked out. "Oh no!" I yelled. I tried to breathe into him, but nothing." I have to get you to the surface!" I yelled. I wrapped my tiny arms around Pete's chest, and swam up.

     "Pete! Say something!" I said when we reached the surface. He didn't answer. "Pete!!" I yelled louder. Still no answer. "I have to help you.." I say to his lifeless body. I swam towards the sand. I check if he was breathing, he wasn't. I checked for a pulse, he didn't have one. "This is all my fault!" I started to cry. "I have to do CPR!" I tell myself. I opened Pete's mouth a little, and put mine on his, and gave 3 breaths. Then I pushed on his chest 4 times. I continued the cycle. "Pete, please, breathe, breathe, I need you to breathe!" I say to myself. "Come on, come on, breathe, please! I don't wanna lose you!" I cried. When I was about to give up, I whispered in his ear. "Pete....please...I love you...just breathe.." I cried softly. I did 3 breaths, and I felt him tense. I pulled away. He took in huge gulps of air and coughed heavily. I ran up to him, and hugged him. "Pete!" I yelled. "*gasp* What *cough* happened.." He gasped.  "You drowned. I saved you." I started to blush. " Patrick....thank you.." He smiled. " I'm sorry I didn't save you fast enough, I" I was stopped by Pete kissing me. " I love you too, Tricky." Pete said lovingly. "Yep, I heard what you said.. I loved you back." He blushed. I slammed into a kiss. "Love you, Panda." I sighed. "Love you too, Tricky." He replied. We walked home, looking into each others eyes.

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