Chapter two

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I knew I had school this morning and I felt neglectful to get up, but alas, the urge to keep my perfect attendance record has betrayed me.

I got out of bed with a grumble, and a yawn followed by a few stretches. I made my way to the bathroom and Zoey was in there brushing her teeth. "Morning, zombie. How did you wake up so early? " She asked, partially muffled by the amount of toothpaste in her mouth, not to mention her toothbrush vibrating. I shrugged. "I dunno. I figured its my urge to keep my perfect attendance record through the year so I'm going to stick with that." I suggested and Zoey chuckled. "Do you need to use the bathroom? " Zoey asked and I raised an eyebrow.  "Why else would I be here? " I said sarcastically, I chuckled and Zoey laughed. "Well, to see me of course. " She suggested with a small snicker and I laughed.

"Keep on dreaming" I said making Zoey smile and giggle. I'm probably the best at making her laugh, better than her own bother even,  and she's the best at making me laugh. So being friends with Zoey is a win win. Zoey spit out her last bit of toothpaste to finish it off and stepped out of the bathroom after putting her toothbrush away. "It's all yours now, kiddo" Zoey chuckled as I walked into the bathroom. "Thanks you big dork" I said making Zoey laugh as she walked off and I shut the door.
I finally used the bathroom, and then went to go get changed. I changed into a Japanese female school uniform for fun cause I still have the outfit from the cosplay that Zoey made me do a while back.

The colors were black and white, so the collar had a black stripe on both sides and I had a black undershirt. The skirt was black of course and the socks went up to my knees, they were white with two black stripes at the top, and to top it all off, my black flats and my (h/c) hair wrapped in a messy bun and held together by a small black bow.

I packed my shit up for school and waited for Zoey to get ready, then when she emerged from her room she was remarkably beautiful, she had a cropped grey hoodie and she was wearing it with white shorts and grey thigh highs, she also had dark grey Converse high tops and her messy, icy white hair was pulled into a bun that looked like a bowtie. "Amazing outfit choice, Zoe! " I complimented and she giggled "I should say the same for you! " She replied and we laughed for a moment before heading off to the school. We weren't really on the verge of being late, so we took our sweet time. I got to asking were Xander was and Zoey told me that he left early cause he and to get other stuff done, and sadly had to skip the first day. Bummer. "Well at least he gets a day off... " I said looking down at my feet as I paced in sync with Zoe down the sidewalk.

"Speaking of days off, guess who gets a break from teaching.. Permanently.  " Zoey said and I'm pretty sure she wanted me to actually guess but I just replied with "who is it? " And she sighed. "Professor Cameron. " She said and I was in a partial state if shock, I glared at her, refusing to believe her. "Cam!? Why does he have to leave, he was the best teacher ever!? " I whined and Zoey joined in "I know, he was so awesome, and he also was the only teacher that let us break even the serious rules. " Zoey reminded with a sigh.  looked back down at me feet, defeated. "Seriously though, why does he have to leave in the first place? " I bothered and I could see Zoey look at me out of the corner of my eye. "Didn't you go to open house? He was on stage cause he got to say bye. He said he had to leave cause of family issues and whatnot. " She responded and I crossed my arms. "Oh well... Guess we will have to get adjusted to the new, most likely lame teacher. " I shrugged and Zoey nodded. After we arrived on school campus, we didn't really have time to get food so we went our separate ways, I went to go and wait by my classroom door, although knowing Zoey, she probably went for the cafeteria anyway.

The bell rang and I was about to move and reach for the doorknob when the door swung open and was met with the most handsome person I have nearly ever seen. This man, starting at the top, had a red, messy fringe that, judging from the sides of his head which were a little bit long, he used to have Raven black hair and he had a bit of scruff on his upper lip and chin, following his jawline. He wore glasses and his eyes were a chocolate brown.
He was wearing a suit and tie and the suit looked like it was about to burst from his muscles.

"Can I help you? " His voice rang, it was so deep and alluring. "Oh, um, hey, sorry. " I was a nervous wreck. Not because was just struck in the ass with a love arrow, no no no. It's the fact that I was staring at him for a very uncomfortable about of time. I took a second to compose myself before speaking again."Im sorry, is this the engineering class? " I asked and he nodded "go on in. " He said, pointing his thumb toward the open door. I nodded, then I walked past him and took a random seat in the room. I looked around and the things that were still In the room from when Prof. Cam was the king of this school, ah the good old days. When I say king, I mean it. Cam was at higher status than the principal. Everyone knew him. I sighed and then a few other kids started to wander into the classroom and take their seats. I looked around and saw all of the kids sitting with their friends, I wish I had Zoey here. The new teacher walked back into the door when the late bell rang, allowing the door to swing shut behind him.

He approached his desk, then sat down and cleared his throat. "Hello, students. I am Mr. Fischbach, your new engineering teacher. I will be in the spot of professor Cameron from now on. I hope you find find in you to accept me as your teacher and as your friend. " He cut himself off as he probably realized how cringy that sounded. "Apart from that," He paused standing up to writes something on the chalkboard. " You guys, since it is the first day, can do your own thing while I get things ready for Wednesday and Thursday. The rest of the week will be easy for y'all cause we aren't doing anything on those days." He explained as he kept writing. I shrugged and threw one of my legs over the other, allowing my skirt to ride up my thigh.

"So, no attendance? " I bothered and he stopped and turned around, he mistakenly looked where he wasn't supposed to but fixed himself enough to speak. "I won't be needing to do that today, in case here are students missing. " He stated and I sighed. I can't stand him and in more ways than one. He's so irresistible it almost gets on my nerves yet I feel as though some one.

'Some one'

just might out sass me this year. At home. I'm perfectly fine with the people around me so there is no need to get upset,  but it's different among humanity. Anyone can flip me like a coin and however it landed would determine my mood toward them and how I treat them in general. This fischbach guy was setting off so many alarms in my head and raising so many questions that I couldn't help but sit and stare.
I was broken out if my trance when I heard a few girls giggling, I turned and they were watching me and snickering. I snarled as I got agitated but shrugged it off with a few deep breaths.

I can do this.

Mistakes. (Markiplier/darkiplier/teacher x reader lemon)Where stories live. Discover now