chapter five

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I sat up from my bed at the sound of my alarm.

I snarled.

Another school day.

I knew my hair was the messiest thing ever right now and I was not in the mood to deal with it. I stood up from my bed and the cold floor instantly froze my feet. I shrugged it off and went to use the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and sighed, prepared myself, got ready for school, wrapped my hair into messy bun, grabbed my bag, and ran off to get to school.
It's not like I was going to be late today, it's just that I was in no hurry to be a part of humanity, let alone be around other human beings, so the faster I can get to the school and into the bathroom that nobody uses, the better. As I approached the school though, I noticed that the bell was seconds away from ringing. I sighed, later realizing that it's one of those early days, and walked into the class. As soon as I did and the door slammed behind me, the bell rang.

I awkwardly took my seat and pulled out a piece of paper and started drawing. You see, I only occasionally pay attention in this class, mainly cause I didn't want to take it. My parents chose it for me. The thing that sucks the most is that its my only class. A few minutes later, and I'm still drawing. I have progressed a lot since the beginning of class... To be honest I was practicing animal anatomies, and I have been for a while.

Today's animal: a green cheek conure.

I was broken out of my intense focus on my paper by Fischbach snatching it off my desk, mainly cause I have been tuning him out the entire class and he probably knew. Nothing to get too upset over right?  Wrong. You can't take drawing away from me. If you manage to, karma will hit you in the back the head with a rusty shovel. What else can I turn to besides drawing, especially in a class like mine, it's boring and I'm not allowed to use my phone. Oh, and you might be wondering why I don't have a sketchbook, that's because my parents stole it cause they didn't like drawing they said "drawing is a waste if time" And that "Drawing can't get me anywhere in life and I should spend my time on better things" It's stupid and annoying.

I stared at him with complete hatred burning in my eyes, and all I got back was a flat "see me after class" Which I absolutely hate. This just got taken to a whole new level. I'm ready to pull out a knife and stab him. A little while after the bell rang, I angrily marched to Fischbachs' desk. "Fischbach?" I hissed, crossing my arms, raising an eyebrow, and passing a pissed look over to him. "(L/n)? " He said, mocking my look.

Ooh, now he is really getting under my skin.

"What's wrong hun, am I becoming a pet peeve of yours? " He said, still raising an eyebrow and smirking. "Kinda close, but you aren't quite there you jackass. " I growled, slamming my hands on his desk, taking him by surprise, I could see where he was looking as I leaned over and he quickly readjusted himself. "You messed with the wrong bitch. Now before things get painted red I suggest you hand over what I desire. "I demanded, trying to be threatening and he chuckled. I noticed his skin begin to turn a little bit grey as he did. "Well, I'm sitting right here, princess" He said slyly and I gave a hint a disgusted face. "Gross. Just give back the drawing, and no one gets hurt, you hear me? " I demanded and he simply cocked his head up to face me and his eyes were filled with so many emotions in one but they looked like a black empty void.

I gulped.

"I don't think that will be happening today, hun, in fact, how about this instead. When you aren't being a little bitch, you can have your stupid paper back. " She said, as he slid the paper into a file holder. I could feel my face heating up with so many emotions. "Alright then, how about this, I'll do anything to get that 'stupid paper' back" I said, and immediately regretted it. "Careful, your desperation is showing." He broke eye contact with me as he passed the comment and I clenched my teeth.
"Anything." I repeated and he cocked his head, raising an eyebrow. "Okay, (y/n), talk to me tomorrow, I'll have come up with something by then. " He said propping his elbows onto the desk and resting his chin over his hands. I then watched him get up abruptly, grab his bag, and leave. Why was he being such an asshat today?
I sighed and turned back to the desk and the thing that stood out to me, is that he left some files on his desk. I waited for the door to shut behind him before grabbing it and opening it to investigate. Holy shit! What the hell!? Since when the hell is Fischbach fucking clinically insane!? I quickly slid the papers back into the file before booking it out of the school and straight home. "Hey (n/n) " Zoey said as I walked in the door and I just mumbled a quick "Hey Zoe" Before rushing to my room and slamming the door. I threw my bag onto the floor by my desk and I flopped into my bed.

I sat in a criss cross and organized the papers onto my bad in front of me. The first page:

Name: Mark Edward Fischbach

Age: 29

D.O.B: 06-28-1989

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 79 kg or 174 lbs

Description: athletic build, black hair, brown eyes, scruff over chin and upper lip, glasses --

I stopped there. These have to be medical files.
I scrounged around the papers in a hurry to find an answer to the amount of questions I had about the picture I got a glance of earlier, that had weird writing on it and I soon found it.

Mark Edward Fischbach.

Diagnosis:  D.D.I .D

Woah. No way. That's.. It's crazy, it's cool, and it's scary. I never thought that I would meet anyone who was actually diagnosed with D.D.I.D

Demon Dissociative Identity Disorder.

I'm at a loss of words. I have to tell Zoey about this. 'Wait, these are medical files, if I leak any information to anyone I could get in serious trouble. Wait if I know does that count as leaking private information? On top of that what if Fischbach found out? Oh god he would kill me. ' I groaned at all the overwhelming thoughts and I fell backward onto all my pillows. "What am I gonna do..? " I muttered.

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