Chapiter 40

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It was a long afternoon for the both the couple and the two lizards male. Alice was trying her best to breath but with the pain it was hard and painful. Gaster keep encouraging her to keep going as Chimera and Naga was doing the delivering.

"D-ding! It r-r-reaally h-hard!" Alice said out of breath. Gaster hold her hand and she grab it like her life depend on it.

"You can do it hon! You need to keep pushing some more." He said. He keep encouraging her to keep pushing and help her breath.

Chimera and Naga was doing their best to deliver the baby. Naga would occassionaly wipe his husband's forehead and Chimera was concentrating of delivering the baby.

"Almost there Alice! You need to push one more time." Chimera said. He was ready to greet the baby. Alice took another sharp breath, tears was falling and, after overcoming the pain, she push once more. She push with the little energy left. She keep pushing until she hear the cry of a baby. Their baby.

"It's a girl!" Chimera said as Naga give him a blanket to warp the newborn baby.

Gaster was smiling happily and tears came out as he praise his wife of her amazing work. Alice was exhausted but she wanted to see her baby.

"Can I... see her?" She said weakly but Gaster manage to hear her and went toward the two lizards man. Chimera carefully give the baby to Gaster. He was so careful to hold her. The skeleton and Naga approach her. Gaster bend down a little bit and Naga help her to sit up without to much pain. The skeleton show the baby to his wife. Once her eyes lend on the newborn baby, tears came out after she look at her.

"She's beautiful." She whisper. Gaster hum in agreement and let her hold the baby. The baby have odd eyes. One of her eyes was dark blue and the other eye was a eyesockets like Gaster with a white pupil on it. The baby have small black hair on her little head and her skin was white as a skeleton bones. The baby start giggles and the couple could see her littles hands coming out of the blanket. Her right hand was boney and her left one was human like. They also notice that her left legs was also bones but her right one have skin. The couple was mesmerize by their baby for while now until Chimera clear his throat to get their attention.

"Sorry to interrupt, but we need to make a check-up to make sure the baby is fine." He said as Naga nod fast in agreement. Alice nod and let Gaster to take their daughter on his arms.

"We will be back soon, hon. Get some rest. You did a wonderful job." Gaster said kissing her forehead. She faintly smile and allow herself to relax.

Alice's dream P.O.V

I wake up at the usual dark room and under me was the buttercups flowers field. I sit down and look around for Chara.

"Chara? Where are you?" I said raising a eyebrow. She usually appear by now. I slowly get up and try to see toward the darkness. Not much of a result. I start to get worry. I hope to not get stuck on this place! I just give birth for godshake! I thought to myself starting to get irritate. Then as soon I finish this thought I feel mouvement to my right. I turn and saw something to form and saw the familiar green and the single yellow strip sweater. I went toward it.

"Dammit Chara! Don't scare me like that! Wha-" I cutt myself up when I saw the state Chara was. She was cover with wound, some blood on her arms and it's start dripping at her right side and her cloths was torn out. I get worry and walking faster.

"Omg Chara why are you hurt?! Doesn't ghost cannot be hurt in the first place??" I said looking how badly injure she was. She slowly lift her head and she have blood on the corner of her lips and a cut on her cheeks.

"THosE FUcKers! I tRy to SCarE TheM OFf By PoSSEss One Of Them! THey Didn'T HesiTaTE tO kILl hIm!" She said growling under her breath. I was confuse at first of what she just said and I remember the conversation months ago about some humans wandering near the mountain.

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