Chapiter 18

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The next morning, Gaster start to waking up and look down to see his lover still asleep. He smile at her. He then saw her start to stir and she slowly open her eyes.

"Morning Alice" Gaster said.

"Morning Gaster" she said cuddle him.

Gaster chuckle of how cute she could be, but then he remember something he wanted to ask her yesterday.

"Alice?" Gaster said.

"Hmm?" She said looking at her lover.

"There is something I wanted to ask about..." He said.

"Sure what is it?" She said.

"I found something inside the box yesterday when I pick it up..." He said carefully not wanting to alarm her.

She rose a eyebrow. "What did you found?" She said.

"A gun" he said looking at her.

Her eyes widen of what he just said but then she close her eyes and sigh.

"What about it?" She said.

"I never thought you will carry a gun with you since you litterary throw the one that the human have to the forest" he said.

She nod and then sit up. She look at Gaster as he sit up too.

"I may have one but I never really use it since coming to the underground if that what you want to ask." She said a bit sad at the thought that Gaster would think she would use it. Gaster shook his head before he put his hands on her cheeks.

"My love I would never thought that you will use it to harm Monster... No what I am curious about is those runes and language that is craving on it. I never saw this kind of design before." He said as his white pupils look directly at her. Alice couldn't help but laugh at his curiosity. She feel more relax and look back at Gaster who was confuse of her sudden behavior.

"Hehe.. I didn't think you would ask me that love but I would gladly answer it." She said with a big grin.

She took a deep breath before starting to explain.

"The gun is actually a magic tool" she said. "It's to help me conjure magic at the specifique amount of magic and the runes are actually careving on the gun to limited the amount of magic I pour on the gun" she explain. Gaster nod but intrigue.

"What about the sentence careving on the canon? I try to translate it but I am rusty with old langage I just know that one of the words mean light" Gaster said.

"Oh you mean lucem ut non inveni? It's mean may you find your light" She said. Gaster raise a eyebrow of the meaning.

"What that does that mean?" He said.

"Hmm for what I remember the meaning is more of a last message toward the person that would shot... Like hoping that they would found a better path in the other side... My mentor have a weird taste for that matter" She said shaking her head.

"Your mentor make it? The same one that adopt you?" Gaster ask.

"Yea... He made the magic tool and thought a gun would look more powerful when I was accepted to the Military. But the tool itself is calibrate to my magic so if a wizard try to use it it's will just drain his magic and it's would backfire." She said shrugs her shoulders. Gaster nod of this informations. He enjoy gaining more knowleges about the aboveground but also knowing more about Alice. He feel how much she trust him to give her that much informations about her past life.

"I didn't thought that magic tool still existe too" he said.

"They are rare since some of them are more a relic of the past today... Not alot of wizard can operate them. Most of the tool today are mostly to help them conjure magic and use as a everyday tool" she explain. After this explaination they get off of the bed and start their day.

Find Happiness (Gaster x OC Alice)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant