Chapter 21

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On the plane flight back to Quantico, the team sat together and sat a few seats down. Prentiss, Morgan, and JJ sat in the four seated table. Hotch and Rossi sat a few seats away looking over their team. On the other side of the plane were the two couches, on one couch sat Reid and the other was a small figure curled up in a ball with a pillow under the figures head. Yes, they took Lyric to Quantico with them because she had no other family in Los Angeles and Reid didn't want to leave her, plus Lyric didn't want to leave Reid's side.

While she was sleeping there were some times where she would fidget and move around, typical sleeping style of a kid. Reid would occasionally look over at her making sure she was okay after everything she went through.

Reid wasn't the only one looking over towards the other side, the rest of the team would look over at Reid and Lyric. JJ smiled at the scene before her eyes, "Look at him. I remember when I would watch Henry sleep because of nightmares."

Hotch looked over as well towards Reid and showed a small smile, "He fought me over bringing Lyric on the plane back home." The whole team slyly looked at Reid and Lyric.

During the flight back to Quantico, Lyric started to show signs of a nightmare developing but Reid was too busy reading his second book to notice. Lyric's eyes shot open like a gunshot and sat up screaming, the whole plane fell silent and stared at the scared girl. Reid jumped over and embracing Lyric in a hug trying to calm her down with his soothing voice.


Stepping out of the elevator was the whole team as their Technical Analysis Penelope Garcia greeted them. Each member greeted Garcia and she greeted them back asking if the family was safe and if Lyric was gonna be okay.

Rossi looked at Garcia and pointed towards the elevator, "Why don't you ask Guardian Angel over there."

Garcia turned her head at the elevator and saw Reid step out with a little sleepy monkey leeched onto him, "Spencer, how is she doing?"

Reid stared into Garcia's eyes and then to the little leech on him, "She had a nightmare on the plane but fell asleep after I got her to calm down." He moved his hand two inches upon her arm, "Can you take her off of me?"

Garcia showed shock on her face but nodded at the request, "Yeah, no problem."

She takes the leech off of the genius and held onto her. Lyric shifted a little bit after feeling a different surrounding upon her. They walked into the Bullpen where the team was sitting at their desks talking. Garcia walked with Lyric still asleep in her arms.

Morgan laughed at the sight, "What did my baby girl become a mom?"

Garcia lightly hit Morgan's arm trying not to wake up the small figure, "Be quiet, will you! Spencer wanted me to take her." The small girl shifted again and again not liking her new pillow.

The small girl started to tense up in Garcia's arm. Before Garcia could fix Lyric's posture, she woke up with fear taking over her mind, "WHERE IS HE? WHERE IS HE? SPENCER!"

Reid rushed over from the coffee bar towards Garcia and set her on the ground, "Lyric, look at me. Look at me. I'm right here, everything is okay."

Lyric's panic attack disappeared as she wrapped her small arms around his neck, "Please don't leave me. I'm scared he's gonna come after me."

Reid pulled her away from his body and bushed a few pieces of hair out of her face, "There's nothing to worry about Lyric. I'll protect you, I promise."

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