Chapter 17

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One cold Saturday night at the Melody house the family was finished with dinner and decided to all watch a fun family movie. Emily and Lyric headed to the living room and looked for a movie together while Jerry was still in the kitchen cleaning the dishes, he looked back at the clock, it read 11:00 pm.

He called out from the kitchen, "Find anything yet?"

Emily called back, "Not yet!"

After searching for 10 minutes Lyric finally found a movie for the whole family to watch, Aladdin. Emily put the disk into the DVD player as Lyric got comfy in her spot and Jerry entered the living room, but before he could sit down, the doorbell rang.

Jerry let out a huge sigh, he stood back up and headed towards the front door. He opened the door and saw a man about six foot tall, white skin, mid-twenties late thirties, brown hair, and brown eyes.

Jerry placed his hand in his pocket and confronted the man, "Hello. What can I do for you at this hour?"

The man stood there with sadness in his eyes, "I can't find my baby sister. She's about five foot four, brown hair, blue eyes. We were having a family dinner and she got into an argument with our father and she ran away."

Jerry changed body languages, "I'm so sorry. I haven't seen or heard anyone outside."

The man asks one more thing from Jerry, "I left my phone at my parent's house. Do you think I can use yours to call my sister, I'm close with her so I know she'll trust me."

Jerry opened the door wider and motioned for him to come in, "Please. The phone is right there." Jerry calls out to his wife and daughter in the living room, "Sweetheart, this man is going to use our phone real quick. His younger sister ran away and he forgot his phone at home." 

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