Chapter 20

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Speeding on the road, were two Black SUV's occupied by the BAU. Prentiss, Morgan, and Hotch in one car. JJ, Rossi, and Reid are in the other van speeding towards the Melody house. JJ looked back at Reid through the rear view mirror and could tell something was clearly bothering him.

JJ looked at her friend with a mother's softness tone in her voice, "Spence we're almost there, don't worry."

Reid looked out the window and started to pound on his thigh, "What if we're too late? I can't let a happy family be torn apart by a psychotic killer."

Rossi glanced at JJ and quickly back towards Reid, "Reid we're trying to get there as fast as we can. The Unsub won't hurt her you know that."

Reid fired back with attitude in his voice, "And what if he does? I could tell that Lyric was not only obedient to her parents but she has a curiosity that could get her caught in the middle."

JJ looked back at Reid, "Spencer! What is up with you?"


After Blake shot Jerry in front of not only Emily but Lyric as well. Both girls screamed at the top of their lungs causing Blake to cover his ears and yell for both of them to be silent. Lyric kept banging on the door crying and screaming. Blake had enough of her screaming, he walked over to the closet door and banged on it back to terrorize Lyric even more.

Pulling up to the house was both SUV's and all of the Los Angeles Police behind them. The team gathered around to discuss a game plan. While the team was talking, Reid kept looking back and forth from the team to the house hoping nothing has already happened.

Emily and Lyric wouldn't stop yelling which was driving Blake over the edge. Blake held up his gun towards Emily with anger in his eyes, "I told you to shut up! If you don't shut your damn mouth then I'm gonna pull this trigger."

Lyric still wouldn't stop screaming and crying, he turned towards the closet, "SHUT UP!" Blake was pacing back and forth trying to wrap his head around what to do next.

While Blake was pacing back and forth, Emily saw a flash of blue lights from the window; this is her only chance to possibly get out of this alive and if not, then it's a way for Lyric to survive. Without a second thought, Emily took her shot and screamed at the top of her lungs. Blake turned quickly on his heels and pulled the trigger without thinking.

Lyric screamed louder after the shot was heard from the inside and the outside, "MOMMY!"

The BAU all turned there heads towards the house, Reid was the first one to take off sprinting towards the house. The rest of the team quickly followed, Morgan got in front of the door and kicked it in.

Hotch rushed in with the others in tow, "FBI hands up!" Blake looked at Hotch and raised his gun up to Hotch's face. "Blake Warner put the gun down."

Blake and Hotch stood twenty feet apart with guns still drawn, Reid couldn't take it anymore and lowered his gun, "Blake listen to me. You already killed the abusive parents and now you saved the princess, isn't that what you wanted to do?" Blake's face started to slowly change.

Reid continued, "The princess is safe and the parents are gone. You did your job, you're the knight in shining armor in her eyes. Just put down the gun and you'll get your reward." Blake's eyes went soft at Reid's words and he eventually put the gun down.

Hotch and Rossi rushed towards Blake and cuffed him. Morgan and Prentiss kneeled down towards the bodies to check their pulses, nothing. JJ looked around the house to clear the other rooms. Reid slowly walked to the closet door hoping to see a small girl sitting there confused and scared.

He slowly opened the door and saw Lyric curled up in a ball on the floor quietly crying. Reid lowered himself towards the ground sitting in front of the door, "Lyric? I don't know if you remember me but I'm Dr. Spencer Reid. You found my ID in the diner and returned it to me, do you remember that?"

Lyric slowly uncurled herself from her ball, she looked up with puffy red eyes and tears that stained her cheeks. She stood up from the floor and flung herself towards Reid for protection. Reid wrapped his arms around Lyric's small body and slowly standing up with her still attached to him.

I'll Protect You, I Promise!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora