Chapter 4

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Pulling up to a local orphanage Derek and Emily exit the car and look around the property. A woman slowly walks off the front porch to greet the guests. "Hello I'm Kari Tavern, are you lucky parents looking for someone to complete the family?"

Emily smiles at the woman, "No ma'am. My name is Emily Prentiss and this is my partner Derek Morgan, we're with the FBI. Is David Perkins here?"

The woman looks up to a window on the top floor, "Poor David, I heard what happened. Since he got here he's been quiet. If you can get him to talk, you just created a miracle."

Derek steps up and backs up Emily, "Ms. Tavern don't worry we'll take it slow with David, Emily might be able to get him to trust her."


Heading upstairs they find David's room. Walking cautiously into the boy's room Derek spoke calmly as David wanted to run, "Hey big man, my name is Derek Morgan this is my partner Emily Prentiss, we're with the FBI. Can we ask you some question about that night your parents got hurt."

The boy nods. "I heard them that night. My mom was screaming, I went downstairs to see what was going on, and that's when I saw him."

Emily sat down next to David, "Saw who? The man that hurt your family?"

He nods again, "Yes. I saw my dad on the floor bleeding and my mom was tied up."

Derek leans forward a little bit, "Did you see the man's face?"

David shook his head, "He was wearing a mask. When he saw me, he put his gun away and grabbed me by the collar. He threw me in the closet and -"

Emily cut him off, "Did he say anything to you when he threw you in the closet?"

Again, the boy nods. "He said, 'Don't come out till I say you can. When will you learn your lesson boy, you better be glad your mother is home.' After that, I heard the gunfire then my mom started screaming. And he was laughing the entire time he was hurting my mom!"

Both Emily and Derek looked at each other with sadness in their eyes. "Listen, David, you did great. You gave us great insight into your experience that night, Thank you." The tall, dark, handsome agent said.

Emily gave David a hug, "You'll get through this, don't worry. If you need someone to talk too, here's my card, don't hesitate to call me." With the last words leaving Emily's mouth, the duo of agents get up and leave the orphanage house to head back to the station.

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