Chapter 13

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Entering the station, JJ and Reid meet the other members. More information and more evidence is starting to come clear to the profilers, but very slowly.

Hotch walks in and sits down, "Do we have any more leads on the case?"

Prentiss walks over to the board, "All we have is that he stalks the family to know their daily routines and waits until the perfect night to enter the house and murder the parents. But one thing that the Unsub is missing is when the kids are actually asleep, till the point where not even a cricket can wake them up."

Morgan steps in, "The one problem that we're having is how the Unsub is gaining access into the houses? There's no forced entries and no shattered windows, nothing. He was acting like a damsel in distress to gain access into the families homes."

Rossi entered the conversation, "LIke 'I lost my dog', 'I ran over something can you help me', or 'My phone died can I use yours?'"

Hotch listens to everything while Reid keeps staring at the picture of David and Alice, "Guys, what if David and Alice are like a reflection of himself and maybe a sister or a cousin?" The entire team looks at Reid in confusion. "Right now we don't know what the Unsub looks like but what if the Alice reminds him of someone?" Reid holds up the picture of Alice, "She has long dark hair and blue eyes. JJ what did that girl look like, the one we met at the diner?"

JJ thinks back, "She had long brown hair and blue eyes."

Reid counters back, "Exactly! What if the Unsub met someone or had someone that had long dark or brown hair and blue eyes." The team looks at him still and starts piecing the pieces together.

JJ starts recalling this morning's event, "And her parents looked happy and fine. But I did notice something about the mother, she wasn't wearing a wedding ring."

Rossi jumps back in the conversation, "So a couple had a kid before marriage or a recently divorced family that still acts happy for the daughter's sake. What is the girl's name?"

JJ thinks back, "Lyric. Her name was Lyric Melody. She looked no younger than 10 years old."

Morgan pulls out his phone and dials Garcia. A few rings later Garcia answers the phone, "Hello, your wish is my command! What does the Mighty Garcia need to do for you?"

Morgan puts the phone on speaker, "Alright Baby Girl I need you to look up a name, Lyric Melody."

Garcia's fingers fly at the speed of light, "Okay. Lyric Melody, 10 years old, long brown hair, blue eyes, lives in Los Angeles and is in the fifth grade. Why is she an interest all of a sudden?"

Reid throws out an idea from his head, "We think her family might be a potential target for the Unsub. Garcia, what do you have on the mother and father of Lyric?"

Garcia types more information into the computer, "Emily Melody, 30 years old, short blonde hair, blue eyes, she's a high school teacher, and is dating Jerry Collins according to her social media, aka Facebook."

Morgan speaks up, "What about Jerry? I know you can find something on him too."

Garcia pulls up more information, "Jerry Collins, 33 years old, six foot tall, brown hair, brown eyes, is a construction worker, and loves Emily very much according to his Facebook feed."

Morgan takes the phone off the table, "Alright thanks Baby Girl."

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