Chapter 8

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Back at the station the team still continues to build the profile, but they need to add more before they can deliver the profile. Hotch looks at his team, "We need to revisit the houses, I think we're missing something. Reid, JJ, and Rossi go to the first location and see if you can find something. Morgan, Prentiss, and I will visit the second location."


At the Perkins household, the crime scene was clean and tidy like nothing happened to the house. Reid, Rossi, and JJ enters the house and looks around searching for any clues.

Reid examines the living room and recalls the event before the murder, "According to the file the family finished dinner and was about to watch a movie."

JJ continued, "The parents were washing the dishes and David was upstairs changing into pajamas."

On the stairs, Rossi looked over the murder location, "David heard screaming from his room. He came downstairs and saw his father on the floor, almost dead, and his mom tied up screaming for her life."

Standing in the location of the mother's chair, JJ went into her mindset of the murder, "David was at the foot of the stairs when he saw his father on the floor, the mother was tied to the chair and her back was towards David."

Boy genius stood back towards JJ entering her mindset, "That means the Unsub had his back turned as well standing over John. But David must have got the Unsubs attention and he turned to David and possibly triggered something."

Rossi moved to the foot of the stairs and directed Reid to act like the Unsub, "Reid, come grab me by the collar like you were the Unsub." Boy genius did the command and walked Rossi over to the closet and opened the door. "The Unsub threw David into the closet and told him, "Don't come out till I say you can. When will you learn your lesson boy, you better be glad your mother is home.'"

JJ concluded something from that sentence, "What if the Unsub was abused as a child? The father was hard on him and abused him, and as a punishment after the abuse was to throw him in a closet and have him learn his lesson."

Rossi followed the train, "And his mother was his saving grace. But that still doesn't explain what he said to Alice, calling her 'Princess'?"

Reid finished the thought, "Or he had a sister that the father and mother appreciated and called her 'Princess'."

They continue looking through the crime scene, but they still find nothing unusual about the entire house. Nothing is standing out to them, nothing is showing forced entry, there's just nothing.


Meanwhile, at the Riley household, the team of Prentiss, Morgan, and Hotch are hitting a dead end as well. Morgan got frustrated finding nothing, and so did Prentiss.

Hotch stood by the front door and examined it carefully, "What is he's knocking on the door waiting for the victims to open them up for him?"

Morgan looks at the door as well, "Well that can explain why we aren't finding any forced entries, he's probably posing as a damsel in distress."

Prentiss looks around the living room and the kitchen, "After the parents let him in something had to trigger him to start killing. You don't just randomly start killing if there's no trigger?"

Hotch looks at Prentiss and Morgan, "There's something the kids aren't telling us."

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