Chapter 19

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 Back at the house, the Unsub moves away from the phone and out of sight from Jerry. The Unsub moved quietly throughout the house looking at all his surroundings trying to gather any information about the family and the "princess." After wandering around the house so quietly, the Unsub got startled by a small figure gliding around the house.

The small figure stopped before the man and looked up, "Hello! My name's Lyric, what's your name."

The Unsub looked down at the girl before getting down on one knee to meet her at eye level, "Nice to meet you Lyric. My name is Blake Warner."

Lyric looked at the man with a smile on her face but a different look in her eyes, "My daddy told me that you needed to use our phone." Blake nodded at her, "Why are you in the kitchen? The phone is by the front door."

Blake looked at Lyric and smirked, "I know that, but my sister isn't answering so I'm gonna wait and try again. Is that okay?" Lyric nodded at him.

Before Blake could say another word someone else entered the kitchen, "Lyric? Where are- oh, hello. Did you need something, sir?"

Lyric ran and stood behind her mother's legs, "Mommy, Blake said his sister didn't answer him so he's gonna try again later."

The mother looked down at the small girl then back at Blake with a suspicious look on her face, "Oh dear, that's so sad. Anyways, Lyric it's time for bed."

Lyric stomped her foot on the ground, "But mommy, I'm not even tired."

Her mother picked her up and started towards the hallway, "I'll help you sleep, don't worry."

After the two women leave the kitchen, Blake looked at the doorway with an evil look taking over his face. She's clearly not happy with her living situation, he thought to himself. Wandering back to the living room with Jerry on the couch staring into the TV, Blake stood next to him watching the screen as well.

While Jerry was too busy glaring at the screen, Blake saw this moment as the perfect opportunity to save the "princess" and get rid of her "abusive parents". Blake moved behind Jerry and swiftly put his hand over his mouth muffling any sound from his mouth.

Jerry struggled under Blake's grip trying to fight back, but it was no use. Blake leaned down towards Jerry inches away from his ear, "Make any kind of sound and all three of you are dead."


Descending down from the hallway, Emily entered the living room to find her fiance Jerry tied up to a chair, "AHHHHHHHHHHH! Jerry are you okay, what happened?"

Before Emily could ask another question, a hand came from behind and covered her mouth as well, "Be quiet! We don't want to wake up the princess now do we?"

Both Emily and Jerry were tired to a chair across from each other with Blake in the middle of them with a gun in one hand and a knife at his side. Blake looked at both parents with hatred in his eyes, "Now you're probably wondering why I'm here and doing this to you, am I right?" Both parents nodded in unison, "Well, that's simple. I can tell that the princess isn't happy in this house so with that being said, I'm going to save her from this abusive home."

Jerry looked at him and smirked, "You think we're abusing Lyric. You're just an idiotic bitch, aren't you?" Blake didn't take his words to kindly, he walked over to Jerry and swiftly connected his hand with Jerry's face. Emily squirmed in her chair with tears now filling up her eyes.

Hours and hours of torture went by and Emily could no longer take it, she screamed at the top of her lungs hoping to wake up Lyric upstairs. Blake went towards Emily and grabbed a handful of her hair and yanked her head back, "I told you to be quiet! Look what you did, she's gonna wake up!"

Small sounds were coming from the hallway, small feet turned the corner and revealed a tired Lyric rubbing her eyes, "Mommy? What's wrong?" Her eyes opened up wider and saw the image before her, "Mommy? Daddy? Wh- What's going on?" Lyric looked at her parents both tied to chairs and Blake standing in the middle with shook plastered on his face.

Blake went over to Lyric and down to her eye level, "Did mommy wake you up? Don't worry princess, I'll fix it. Just go to the closet over there and wait for me, okay?" Lyric stared at Blake with terror in her eyes.

Lyric just stood there frozen from terror, Blake was getting very impatience with her, "I TOLD YOU TO GET IN THE CLOSET!"

He grabbed Lyric by her arm and dragged her towards the closet in the hallway. Blake opened the closet door and slung Lyric into it and shut the door. When the door closed, Lyric couldn't help but bang on the door and scream hoping that someone from the outside could help.

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