Chapter 7

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In downtown Los Angeles a family of three walks down the street having fun and enjoying life. The little girl in the family, ten years old, pokes at her dad's arm, "Daddy can I get a shake, please? I passed all my tests this past week and I got all A's, please?"

The father stopped and shrunk down to her size, "You want a shake, huh? Alright, sweetie, we can get a shake." The little girl jumped for joy.


Entering a local ice cream shop the little girl continued jumping for joy. The father stopped her and calmed her down, "Alright sweetie, what kind of shake do you want?"

The girl looks at the shake menu and thought about her options. Finalizing on her option she spoke up, "I want a medium Caramel shake, please."

Her father smiled and placed the order, he turned to his fiance and asked her the same thing, "Emily, do you want a shake too?"

She nodded back, "I'll take a Caramel shake too. Thanks, baby." The mother looks at her child and stretches out her hand, "Come on Lyric, let's go find a table." Lyric takes her mother's hand and follows her lead.


Across the street was a black and shiny car watching the family through the ice cream shop's window. The man in the car took out a camera and snapped a few shots of the happy family. He growled in a low mumble, "Don't worry princess, I'll stop the monsters from keeping you hostage."

After an hour passed, the family left the shop and headed south on the street towards their car ready to go home. Before entering the car the father looked around feeling uncomfortable about his surroundings. The mother lowered herself to look at her soon-to-be husband, "Jerry, is something wrong?"

The man turned to his soon-to-be wife, "No. Just making sure there are no cars coming."

Before stepping into the car, Jerry looked across his location and stared at the black shiny car, but he shook it off and got into his car. Pulling out of his parking spot and driving down the road, the man in the black car pulled out as well and follow the family from a safe distance.

Placing the car in park the man watched as the family entered their driveway and placed their car in park. Little Lyric shot out from the car and ran to her playground in the backyard with her mother in tow.

The father called out, "Lyric, please be careful sweetheart! Emily, you be careful too!"

The mother and daughter both shouted out, "We will!"


While playing on her playground, Lyric stopped in her tracks and looked across the street. Feeling uneasy about the environment, she runs up to the fence and looks out towards the black car that catches her attention. She whispers to herself, "What are you doing over there?"

From across the yard, her mother calls for her, "Lyric baby, let's go inside and start cooking dinner!"

The little detective turns back around to her mother, "Okay!"

Running back to the house, the man in the black car pulls away from the house and disappears, out of the little detective's sight. 

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