Chapter 18

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GAH! ALMOST 20 CHAPTERS! JESUS YOU GUYS! Again, I'm switching to when our beloved Crystal gets out of jail, because I REALLY don't want to write about it. AT ALL. So, I might do an Extras book, where I do these so called 'outtakes' of the story. Yeah. Peace.


"Oh my God! You're okay! I thought you wouldn't be able to get out! They made it seem like years. Years! Come on! We have to go to the Hall. You're getting inducted, remember?" Dick pulled me into a very tight hug, and then dragged me to the zeta beams. I changed both of us into civvies, and we beamed to the Hall.


"The Justice League was formed for two reasons: first, as an aknowledgement that no single individual, no matter how powerful, can solve all the world's problems alone. And second, to uphold the values of truth, liberty, and justice. That one's even in the name." Superman smiled while the audience laughed, and snapped photos of him. I was back in the hall, watching the news with the team. I didn't want to stay out there. It was cold.

"These six heroes have sworn to uphold those values." Superman continued on, while the reporter started to talk.

"You are watching live coverage of the Justice League's induction of it's six newest members. Looks like the entire leauge showed up to welcome the new blood! From Batman to Captain Marvel." I flew up into the air, occasionally flapping my wings to keep me from falling. We got a new team member, too. Her hero name was Rocket. She was awesome.

"I'm glad they didn't kick Billy out. And I'm glad for the fact that there's a 10-year old on the League." Leave it to Wally to screw everything up.

Rocket spoke up."There is?" Dick elbowed Wally, and shot him a glare. "Way to keep a secret, genious." They started to argue.

"Hey, she's on the team, now, right?" He started to eat his apple. Again. I sighed, and dropped back onto the gound, with a small thump.

We turned back to the tv, where they were handing out membership cards. I already got mine, and to show it off, I changed back into my uniform and flipped the card over in my right hand, the other on my hip.

"Superman is now handing out official Leauge membership cards. Starting with Doctor Fate," Zatanna looked down at the ground, and both me and Dick put a hand on her shoulder out of support. The news anchor kept talking, so we listened. "the Atom, Plastic Man, and Icon." He shook hand with Superman, before Rocket spoke up again.

"You know, I was the one who convinced Icon to become a superhero in the first place. I should be outside celebrating with him, not hidden away in here!" She put a hand on her hip, and glared at the screen. I cracked a smile, and continued to watch the screen while the others talked. We returned our attention back to the screen, and watched Green Arrow walk up to Red Arrow and hand him the card.

"And finally, Green Arrow welocmes his former protoge, Speedy, now known as Red Arrow, to this roster of heroes.. The same goes for Batman's other protoge, Nightwalker, who couldn't be here with us today." I scoffed at the screen, hiding my smile. Dick, Wally, and Kaldur congradulated Roy, before sending me an apologetic smile after.

"You joined, too? Why aren't you out there?" Rocket interrogated me, and I sent her a shrug before answering her. "I was only going to join if they let me stay a part of this team, and not join theirs. They're stiffs. Not the kind of people I want to be around." She laughed, and we all looked back to the screen, where the woman was still talking.

"So there you have it! The world's officially a safer place." As the League started to disperse, Dick got an alert from his mini computer. Time to suit up. I immediately changed everyone into their hero uniforms, and we made our way to the Bioship.

Nightwalker (Young Justice FF) Book 1 In the Night Series TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now