Chapter 31: Removing a thorn in your side

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(Denmark jail cells- Normal pov)

Among the thousands of slaves within Denmark, was a Saxon named Uriah. The man was a warrior bishop in England who served under Edward III, but when the Red Maw and Plague ravaged England, Uriah was deeply saddened, he and the few remaining Saxon slaves had lost everything- their friends, homes, families, nation, and they believed they lost their faith too.

The people forced to suffer to their heathen taskmasters, the sight of the heathens worshiping false gods, practicing evil and other abominations made Uriah sick, the man would love nothing more than to cut out the very heart of this evil.

The Blood King.

That... thing is the Devil incarnate, he and everyone within the city has seen the power he wield's, but there is no power that can match that of the one true God.

Uriah had a wooden cross necklace around his neck, he held that cross close to his breast when the days seemed hopeless, void of light, and a world full of wickedness. But this place? This is Sodom and Gomorrah, a city in the Old Testament that was destroyed by God for its great evil and wickedness, Uriah prayed that this place would be destroyed as well.

"Domine, precor te ut de populo tuo et dirige me in tenebris. Vilis in viribus suis daret salutem, ut nos et rursus caput serpentis ab hac stultitia que tot innoxios protegebat interfecerunt. Ut sint vobis in nos ira Domini. Amen."

Uriah prayed in Latin, there were several other Saxons gathered- soldiers, citizens, nobles, children, and regular Englishman, they all look up to Bishop Uriah for encouragement, however the Saxons time in prayer was rudely cut short with Red Maw Vikings banging on their cell bars. 

"QUIET!! Or else you want to lose your tongues! Maybe then we can have some quiet." One of the Red Maw Vikings said, causing his companions to laugh in agreement, they then left the area, the Saxon people looked back to Uriah, he had everyone pray silently to themselves, no matter how dark things seemed now? The Lord was with them. 

Uriah then heard battle cries echoing outside, the man approached the bars that overlooked the outside, he could see Red Maw warriors exiting the jail and rushing outside. Whatever was happening, Uriah prayed that the wicked king would meet his end this day.

(Streets of Denmark)

Sigurd the Bloodthirsty and his Sharkslane warriors were pushing their way into the city center, they had killed many citizens and their large numbers quickly overwhelmed the small amount of Red Maw warriors who attempted to stop them. However, the Sharkslane attack was stopped dead in its tracks when crimson plasma separated the raiders from the citizens of Denmark and approaching Red Maw warriors. 

The Sharkslane chief looked up to see a Night Fury hovering in the air, with the Blood King on its back, and... a pretty blond behind the king too. When the trio landed, Hiccup slid off of Toothless and snarled at Sigurd. "You have nerve Sigurd. NERVE. But I thought you were smarter than this, attacking my kingdom like this? You just led your people into a slaughter." Hiccup said as his Blood guards arrived at the scene forming a perimeter around Hiccup, while the Red Maw warriors raided shields and had weapons at the ready. 

Sigurd however didn't care, he approached the crimson plasma fire wall, the Sharkslane chief grinned at Hiccup and raised his arms out. "Well, I had to get your attention somehow! I'd say I've got your full attention now. So, since you won't teach me our my people how to tame dragons, then we will take them from you." Sigurd snarled out, Hiccup scoffed at the Sharkslane chiefs idiocy. "You cannot force dragons to submit to your command idiot. You must BOND with them, honor and respect them." Hiccup said, however Sigurd wasn't listening to Hiccup, instead he was looking right at Toothless. 

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